No refund for Lucio dance party emote bug

Problem resolved Thanks blizz

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Save those tokens for the genji/tracer skin then if you care about them.
But that sucks and blizzard should refund you or just actually make it available for purchase.

Unless you are on console, you should be able to directly refund the OWL token purchase itself. Here is the best link:

Let the buyer beware.

Thanks for letting me know, lets start a manual web ticket so that you don’t have to specify which purchase.

Are you just waiting on a response?

No. I have gotten a response

Curious, but you were denied? Right now, I have been instructed to say that anyone who bought OWL tokens within the last day should try to start a web ticket.

And you bought tokens yesterday and not any earlier?

Yes I am very sure…

Okay try a new web ticket, but in the description CLEARLY explain that you bought tokens to purchase the Lucio Dance Party emote that was bugged and not intended for redemption with OWL tokens. Include a link to this forum thread which a Blizzard representative has responded to.

thank you for your help

what does this even mean… you bought the tokens and you still have them on the account

It sounds like they are under the impression you are asking for a full game refund.

The progress part of the response has no bearing on token purchases.

No problem, I understand the frustration and hope this can be resolved.

On a side note, after you hopefully resolve this, if you are still wanting the emote, the Twitch Overwatch League All-Access Pass is still available for purchase on the Twitch website.

Might be but I have chosen the button that says refunds just the tokens