No reasonable counterplay to Widow

If OWL players can’t counter Widow, nobody can.
OWL opening weekend showed that when Widow was played the only way to even pressure the Widow was by playing your own Widow.

No tanks worked into it
No flankers worked into her
You cannot “Play positioning” into her
You cannot “dive” her

If the best players in the world, quite literally get paid to play the game all day every day cannot counter Widow, cannot even reasonably respond to Widow without playing their own Widow, how do you expect randomers to do it ?

She, currently, makes this game unplayable.


Thank goodness it was shown in OWL. Only if it’s a problem that can be seen in OWL and bother those players will Blizzard address it.


2 tanks and shields were counter to widow but with OW2 you get only 1 who is too busy to go after her and there is also shield nerfs (I mean that one was necessary but not the removal of 2nd tank)


Which OWL players can’t counter widow?

Also: OWL players are playing a completely different type of Overwatch than you are. Wasn’t there an OWL match where a team won by using Sombra? And this was back when she was allegedly trash.

Also also: there is reasonable counterplay to Widowmaker, and no amount of lies will change that. If you want her changed, you need to argue why the counterplay we have isn’t good enough. Simply saying

“This one match had a really good widow once, and that shouldn’t be!” isn’t a good reason.


Widow still plays as if she is in OW1 6v6 not 5v5


Shooting her in the head is a pretty reasonable counterplay you should try that


just give up

you crying on the forums 24/7 is not going to fix your skill issue

any hero in the game can counter widow, its called using map cover


That doesn’t count because widow shouldn’t be allowed to counter widow.

To some people on here, anyway.

That also doesn’t count for most. Because “they shouldn’t have to hide behind a wall the whole game”. They’ll ignore the fact that you can use walls to flank or use barriers to move up and block widow. Those don’t count because they don’t.


They weren’t though, 2 tanks made Widow kinda checkable, but if you ever watched high level gameplay, Widows value was still insanely high in Overwatch 1 and she was the single most oppressive hero in the entire game even with TWO TANKS trying to keep her in check.

All of them, go and watch the VODs, Widows dominated quite literally the entire weekend. Bare in mind all of the Widow “counters”, Winston, SOMBRA, Ball, Tracer, Echo, were all playable. Widows dominated every single time she was played and the only reasonable check to her was playing Widow on your own team. Which is what EVERY SINGLE TEAM THAT FACED A WIDOW WAS FORCED TO DO because NOTHING ELSE IN THE ENTIRE GAME WORKS.


I have a counter but people dislike to hear it. Its basically double tank and barriers.

She was literally the lowest winrate hero in the whole game.

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Mirrors don’t count as counters. That’d be like saying rock beats rock in rock paper scissors.


Shes definitely broken but everyone else will tell you Hanzo is somehow more broken lol. People think a projectile is actually better than a 300 crit damage hitscan :joy:

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Bro I just watched muma a former very very highly ranked on multiple roles player just give up streaming because of Widowmaker…

Samito as well a rank 1 combined player is even struggling and can’t beat her depending on the map.

And many many many others in higher ranks are also struggling there is CLEARLY a issue here.


anything 1 shot or exceptionally high burst is the same, you’re dead before you can take any actions, nothing prevents it.


Well, he can’t be that bad if he’s got higher pickrate than Widow in GM.

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The extremes of pickrate the less relevant winrate is. Heroes that are mirrored in most matches will tend towards the 50%, and heroes who are picked once in a blue moon tend to the extremes too.

Its a useless stat when not paired up with something else.

Pretty much. Mirror matches between snipers only serve to exemplify the massive balance issues that led to why GOATS and DS ended up being mandatory meta comps after the Sniper Performance Singularity happened.

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Rock Paper Scissors is a game where mirrors explicitly cancel each other out as a game rule. Why do you guys insist on responding with insane comments when it comes to widow?

Literally wrong. Not pretty much at all. Widow is a counter to widow, and that fact stays true no matter how many bad comparisons you agree with.


She had both a low pickrate and low winrate in comp during ow1, in quickplay she had an higher pickrate but her winrate was still low.

Either both or broken are both are fine.

You don’t expect your hanzo to have one shot if widow the true sniper herself loses it right?

I find it so funny how widow mains try to say hanzo is op while hanzo mains try to say widow is op.