I ranked in Diamond but have not received any competitive tokens nor have I received any title. I also ranked Platinum in another role but didn’t receive that title either.
Assistance would be appreciated.
I ranked in Diamond but have not received any competitive tokens nor have I received any title. I also ranked Platinum in another role but didn’t receive that title either.
Assistance would be appreciated.
same here, no reward at all
I recieved my competitive points for Masters , but still no title.
I didn’t receive any comp points, would like to have them, thanks.
no titles available for me, hit gm last season, pretty lame blizzard
same for me as well got nothing
Same here, ranked GrandMaster and Diamond only received points for Grandmaster, no title what’s happpened?
I finished grandmaster in both DPS and Healer roles, but I didn’t get the competitive points and title either.
For whatever reason I got the splash screen saying I was given the diamond title and 1000 points, I got the points but no title lol. Cmon Blizz
Same here. No titles nor rewards.
aaron was lying
no points or title
Got no title of plat for season 2 and 3 and no diamond for 4
Hi, I also did not receive any competitive points or titles for playing during season 4. Can this please be looked into? Thank you very much.
same here, no title ^^’
Broken game it seems ANOTHER season of no titles or rewards. same here
Me too Good luck xD
Same here, hit master, no recived point and title
Yup, i did not receive my masters competitive rank reward points or title. I am on console xbox if this helps
Same here no competitive points or title for hitting diamond for season 3 and 4.
yup same here, looks like no1 got it