No rank up after 20 wins 2 loses

After won 20 games in a row and 2 lost games…
i won 5, lost 1 and i just up 1 rank… okay can be…
after that i played 6 more games, i won 5 lost 1 and the same happend, just 1 rank up.
i was playing duo and my duo with the same stats, rank up 4 divisions in the same 5 games…
i dont know if its a bugg or im just bad… no sense that scale


Playing Overwatch for years, but since Overwatch 2 came out I can’t prgress to silver, just from bronze 5 to bronce 1 and back. Not sure if I’m doing something wrong or if it is a bug that will eventually be solved. Apreciate if you could please confirm


In your placements you have to play good, Doesn’t matter if you win a bunch , if you don’t play up to the standards of silver you’ll drop. They care about individual stats , not team stats. So try really playing as good as you possibly can. Sometimes i play terrible and win and de-rank, or i win but play super bad and go down. Or other issue: maybe a bug :slight_smile:

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You just need to play up to your rank:)

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Blizzard actually changed that recently in this blog post: Overwatch 2 Developer Blog: Explaining matchmaker goals and plans, part 2 - News - Overwatch.

Q: So you don’t take the number of eliminations, damage dealt, healing provided, or any other scoreboard stats to adjust my MMR after each match?
A: In Overwatch 2, your MMR adjustment after every match is not impacted by your performance in each match (regardless of your skill tier). This is for a few reasons. We don’t want players to be focused on doing things other than trying to focus on the objectives and win the match. Dealing the most damage or getting kills won’t help your team if your actions don’t help them push the payload or capture a control point. Also, for some heroes, especially those in the support role, it can be challenging to determine if the numbers they produce reflect their skill.

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Linking my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment.

thanks i guess :slight_smile: I don’t really pay attention to the rank changes so i go by what i’ve experienced

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Ive been stuck in bronze 5…was bronze 2, winning more than loosing so 5 wins 2/3 losses or no losses and went backwards to Bronze 5??? Then it tells me to add further insult at end of every progress report is that Im 83% better than anyone in division. I contacted Blizzard and they refuse to acknowledge that there is an issue. Ive sent screen shots etc. Ive been playing for years and decided to play Comp as qp is bs with OW2. Its obviously too hard to fix fir them considering thus is happening A LOT!!

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At least u get to one. I won 5 games in a row with no change in rank. Was B2, winning games hardly any losses and went to 5 and been stuck there for 2 weeks now. Contacted Blizzard they are not interested. Been playing for years too but QP in OW2 with wannabes is bs so switched to comp. All Blizzard said was they cant adjust rankings when that is not what I asked them. I told them im stuck at 5 even with 5 straight wins etc. Seems like they are happy to take our money for BS battle pass and stupid legacy credits but not interested in fixing stuff that matters.

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