No question game tracks you on losses.... no question

I lost something like 160 SR on straight losses in like 7 or 8 matches on one account tonight on Support. Nothing worked. Now, I am know a little about statistics, and its HIGHLY unlikely in a game where is “50/50” to end up with these repeated streaks. I am sorry, but there is just something wrong with the matchmaker…


Flip a coin a bunch. Bet you end up getting streaks of just heads or just tails as you do. Same logic here.

Welcome to randomness. People are random and all it takes is one person on either team having a good day or a bad day compared to normal to make a game that would’ve been close otherwise into a blowout. Not to mention someone has to win almost every game, of course no one likes to lose but when you’re just as likely to win as you are to lose it is not a guarantee that “I just lost a few now I’ll win a few because then it’ll be 50%”. Anyone who thinks like that doesn’t understand the gamblers fallacy. You having a 50% chance to win is not affected by any previous games at all. It’s still a 50% chance the next game which is still very possible for you to lose.

Once you’ve lost a couple in a row take a break, most people won’t admit it but the losses will effect your mentality and make you play differently than you normally would or should. Whether that’s being too aggressive and dying a lot or being too passive and not providing enough value to change the outcome of the game, or anything else it will effect your performance. People who grind endlessly when tilted by losses because “it’ll even put!” yet give a shocked pikachu face when they keep losing amaze me. Take a break and refresh your mind.


160SR is almost nothing, went from around 2400 to 600. Match maker will make you work harder fair or not if you want to climb. You can usually tell if matchmaker takes a bit longer to find you a match like 2-3 mins for support to suddenly waiting 5+ mins. Then you get wacky combinations where you’ll have plat and bronze on the same team, or you’re stuck with a bunch of players just placing instead of just matching me with golds like they have the previous games. Especially on support with the current match maker you’ll have to identify the weak link and help them the most. It might be yourself even. I know I’ve been dead weight to some of my teams even if I change to try to adapt for a better comp. Down where I’m at I think consistency is the hardest thing, so it’s good to compare how your stats match up with the averages.


I actually did a tests of QP matchmaking not Comp about three years ago the results were about 48.9/51.1 or thereabouts over 500 matches. What was notable were the extended loss streaks which plain outnumbered and were always longer than win streaks. I think its worse in Comp.

Now, here’s the part I left out: I could swap to another account, losses vanish; same character, same tier… makes zero sense.

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The chance of having 8 heads in a row while coin flipping is about 0.39%.

Here you can calculate for yourself:

ht tp s:/ /www.omn ical culato r. com/sta tistics/co in-fl ip-proba bility#ho w-to-calculate-proba bility

(remove spaces)

Which is my entire point. The streaks in this game simply do not line up with basic statistics, not even close. I am not one of those who say you cannot climb, etc. but I see these kind of streaks on losses alone, and reported by many people over time and rarely someone up and saying they won 7 matches straight unless they were seriously playing under their skill level to start.


I repeat my previous ^

Even just swapping accounts can be enough of a refresh to clear your mind and correct your attitude/mindset. Whole reason I got a second account, to tell myself to swap or stop after 2 losses on either, no blindly chasing wins when on a losing streak which only feeds me lowering my performance and making my mentality worse.

People won’t say when they’ve won 7 in a row because they want to take credit for those wins. Their team won because of what they did and their teammates don’t deserve as much credit as they do. If they say anything like people do when they lose 7 in a row then they’d have to imply that they weren’t responsible for their winning streak if they want to also not be at least partially responsible for their losing streak.

Of course there are some games you just can’t win, but unless you’re playing perfectly (which no one who’s being honest will say they do) then there’s something more that could have been done, a mistake that can be learned from, or even just a momentary decision that could have been made differently to turn the tide. Momentum matters a lot and “playing through a losing streak” in a desperate attempt to get that win plays with your mental momentum against you.

Now if people really insist on “grinding through” until they end a losing streak without even taking a momentary break to reset? I really don’t care but they’re actively hurting their own chances by doing so, whether they realize it or not.


I understand all this, and even taking psychology, etc. into account, the math simply doesn’t add up over time. I have never seen a competitive game like OW that has these streak issues that people report.


Hey maybe you’re just not remembering any winning streaks as well as losing streaks. We as humans often remember negatives more strongly. Same logic would explain why people don’t come to say “I just got a 7 game winning streak!” They wouldn’t have a reason to.

Realistically streaks aren’t that surprising in a game where momentum is such a strong player in who can win. If someone, especially multiple people as a group is/are winning and has a positive attitude they’re more likely to be able to think clearly and adapt on the fly to challenges, while people on losing streaks are more likely to be negative and stuck in a mindset that will hurt their play.

I think the big difference (between this and other games where you say streaks are less common, though I’d disagree I’ve seen and gone on streaks that were worse than my streaks in OW on many other games) is not how the matches are made but how social features are handled. While other games may not have robust social features even compared to OW, no other game that has team play as such a strong factor, doesn’t also have some sort of built in system assisting players to build groups of people to play with consistently and over longer periods of time than just a game or two. Chemistry and mentality are probably the two most underrated reasons why a team wins or loses by the community. If they just had this feature, where people were not only given the tools to form groups for more than a few games (clans, social spaces, better community pages with actual moderation for quality and not just “are they talking nice words”, leagues, and/or tournaments) but also actively encouraged to do so then I believe streaks would be less common for most people. Even just saying that the consistency of your experience and performance will be higher in groups or that it’s the “best/ideal” way to play the game would help a lot.

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Sorry, but after my experience with the match maker recently, it’s anything but random. I literally had good games non stop for 1 week straight, only to have the worst games I’ve ever had the next week. Random would be a few good, a bad, a good, a few bad, etc. There are clusters in real Rng, but Rng would not explain having a straight week of people 300 SR below me in my games, throwing, smurfing, cursing, and cheating.


Do you think that those type of games do not happen ever in high elos?

Do you think that some elos are exempt of it? Or rather more exempt than others?

I agree that those type of games do not happen often in higher elos as they do in low elos, but no elo is actually excluded from having such games.

I personally have not seen a single Master’s or GM player complain about all the things that low elos complain about.

Why? Because they did not get their Master’s/GM rank over night and everyone who actually plays at those elos regularly has went through everything that low elo is consistently going through.

Low elo is low elo for a reason. I understand that there are a few of low elo players who actually want to play as a team, who want to combo ults, who are in VC and who actively want to work together. But those people are in the same minority as the percentage of GM players. There is always in everything not just gaming going to be more people who do harm than good.

You cannot blame the matchmaking for low elo being low elo. They are low elos for a reason. If everyone knew how to group up and when and how to play as a team or listened to their other teammates and did not go Ramboing 1vs 1 there never would be any low elos. We all would be GM by now. If you think that elos differ only in gamesense and mechanics (event tho that is the majority of the reason) then you are wrong.

I most definitely agree that some tuning up from the Devs needs to be made, like tightening up the SR range one is allowed to be Q-ed up with in lower ranks (1k SR is way too high imo), there is basically no MMR reset or change or whatever that is magically going to make you gain more gamesense in this game or making you hit your shots or making you sleep the ulting Genji more. How is MMR reset going to help me aim better?

A game cannot make you do that, unless you are actually cheating.

You people have to stop blaming the game for your own shortcomings. You cannot get everything on a silver pladder. And those teammates you and I complain about are those same teammates that come on here and complain about you and me.

Those are the same people that continue to play the game after 3 losses, who get tilted and are like “just one win and I am quitting”, who spend the whole game being toxic in chat because someone picked Junk while the enemy has Pharah and who spend the whole game watching and looking at how bad someone on their team f* up and get tilted because of it that they completely forget about the fact that they should actually be playing the game or forget about the fact that while you were being tilted over who picked what or who does what the enemy already is at 99% with the capture point and they need like 2 secs to get it to 100% and win the game.

I know that the majority of players in this game do not like to admit when they are wrong or how they f* up something and you do not have to, but just think about it, how many times you were the one that was too tilted to notice what is happening around you and you lost the game and you realized it days after that particular match was over.

I know I did it, I know all of us did it. Think about that next time before you start to blame the game for you being where you are.


This literally just happened to me over the past 2 weeks. Last week, I went up 350 sr, and I mitigated any losses I had during that week by only playing at most until I had two losses in a row. If that happened, I got off the game for a while, and jumped on later. Like I said I went up 350 sr doing this. This week, I had the same plan. However, the matchmaker didn’t. I’ve had so many unwinnable games with throwing bastions, and quite literal BOTS on my team. I had one game, with a diamond tank duo’d with a gold support. 3 minutes into our attack and we STILL don’t have nano charged. Then, the support switched to zen, and in 5 minutes, they only hit 12 orbs on a target, and died more times than I cared to count. I’m not even trying to flame this person, they legit couldn’t play the game, and I’m not exaggerating, either. I went from having games where my gameplay and how I performed had an impact, to having this player on my team. That’s just one instance. I wish I could show you the game; I saved the replay code but because of the patch that came out today its gone.


I think it happens across the board, and if you do the math the odds are quite low in a try roughly 50/50 chance… that’s the problem.

Stop trying to do the “math” while you have none of the relevant numbers needed. The 50/50 is just that, you can play 100 games, that doesn’t mean 50 of them will be good, it could be 10 good games, and 90 bad games, it’s a coin flip.

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Gold and Plat are average. It’s supposed to have the majority of the player base there. There should never be an instance where a Gold or Plat player is paired up with a silver or diamond. Let alone 10 games in a row!

Higher ranks will have this problem because they make up 1-10% of the player base. Silver and below is the other 1-10%. The big 80% should not be experiencing this unless the game is dead or the match maker is seriously broken and not random.

Yep game after game this is what I’m seeing.

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The limit on grouping is 1000SR, it should be lowered to within the bracket, I agree, I don’t personally like seeing Plat or Diamond players in my Silver/Gold games, but this happens 99% of the time because the players are grouped, it has nothing to do with anything other than that.

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I’d say within adjacent bracket or maybe just within 500 or 600 instead of marking it by brackets.

After all wouldn’t it feel pretty stupid to be duoing with another gold player but win be suddenly unable to queue with them because they hit 2501 and you’re 2489 and now it’s “different brackets”.

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Yeah that would be more than acceptable, I know you knew what I was trying to say.

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Do the math on a regular 50/50 statistic, then tell me the streaks in OW make any sense, you simply cannot. Its obvious there is a problem in the way teams are being put together.

This just proves my point even more-so. You cannot say its a 50/50 game when the SR range is that broad, my point entirely even excluding Smurfing questions. I also will say the MMR system doesn’t take into account how performance on your best role seems to play into your other two enough.

What exactly do you mean by this if I may ask?

Do you mean it in a sense that MMR should transfer onto other roles or that it should not?

Sorry, did not quite get it :smiley:

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