No punishment for dps players farming tickets

I belive most tanks in plat are just diamond dps doing an awful job just farming tickets so they can queue dps later.
Throwing without a single care about the team, with no consequences stopping them since both are separate ranks.

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The only bad job is done by devs who reward loses with 1 ticket and give way too much for a win, so it do not affect q time, but just affect overall match quality instead. At least derank to bronze the tank role to farm these tickets bros.


Yep. Instalocking ball hog. Feeding for 5 minutes while ignoring the objective and go next. Zero interest in playing properly. Comp mode is unplayable.


They’re probably just bad at the role and falling to where they belong. Who is gonna throw for 1 ticket when they could try, win, and get 6?

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Your statement doesnt make sense. Just because someone farm tickets doesnt mean they are bad at tank. Also you want to win, so why would you trow to get less tickets?

You can’t, and shouldn’t, be punished for simply not playing well.

Otherwise we’d all be getting banned every day.

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No offence dude. But in our ranks, that’s just how tanks play.

If you want payload/point obsessed tanks you need to drop to silver and below. They are hilariously scared to leave the point, even when they have control of the pay load, they’d rather have 6 sat on it than take space.


Yes, the objective is not necessarily always the right place to play.

Kill 2-3? Send 5 forward and leave 1 on payload to keep the enemies staggered


Yes. Try explaining that to bronze players once that cap 1st on KR and are all standing about doing nothing.

2 minutes later they are all crying because they’re stuck in the choke lol.


How you gonna bribe players and then punish them for taking it? That sounds like entrapment, lol.

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Fast passes should only be earnt upon a win and you should only get one per won, so it becomes a real fast pass.

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I could say the same about the people I play with on King’s Row that cap point and all rush to feed, leaving payload at spawn, 2 minutes later, ending up in the same choke you mentioned.

Your style of arguing of making up situations is very creative, but unfortunately not constructive.

Forgetting the objective and throwing away 2 minutes for no reason while winning is endemic on our ranks. Its not about “sitting on payload”, its about being aware of the objective and it’s progress.
Seeing how you talk about “payload obsessed tanks” I guarantee you are part of the problem playing like its deathmatch

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This literally cannot happen if both tanks, dps, and one support come up with you.

I want to say it should be two for a win, one for a loss, but the reality there is that if it takes longer to farm, there would be more trolling.

Prio passes should be rank tiered; if your tank is plat the pass should only work on other roles you are plat at.
It doesn’t make sense that you get priority in a rank you are not helping make the qs faster in.

Hey runki, remember me? i still really wanna talk to you man im gonna attach my discord account below, feel free to add so we can finally call and have that conversation we’ve been planning on doing!

Your’s truly, Palty

Palty @ discord