No Point playing OW until Moira's damage is addressed

here you go i fixed it for you

Oh no!!! Draíocht thinks I embarrassed myself!
:confounded: :confounded: :confounded:

Ohh, what am I going to do??

Their opinion means so much to me!!

:sob: :sob: :sob:

Moira does not wreck low ELO though. She is barely passable down there and terrible as you climb. You cited Master Yi and that is the exact situation. If you are having trouble with a Moira that is a you issue. It is not a low ELO or high ELO issue, but a you issue. You have fallen into the classic gamer trap that means you will no longer get better: blaming the game over yourself.


You know there’s a few heroes in the game where when I die to them it legitimately just feels kinda bad. My particular flavor of hate since OW2 has been one shots. I really hate the random Hanzo one shots. I hated playing against the Hog hooks. It’s not that they’re non-avoidable but I prefer encounters that last longer than the time it takes a hero to aim at you. A Moira though? No. If I die to her it feels like it’s 100% my own inadequacies to blame. It’s like dying to a Torb that hammered you. You have every chance in the world to win that encounter and you just blew it lol

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Yes, the exact situation that Master Yi wrecks low elo because people can’t deal with him and is trash at high elo.

The difference is Riot actually has better balancing in this case than Blizzard because at least in Legue of Legends you have to actually obtain a lead with Yi while Moira it’s a lot easier to get leads with and succeed in OW.

Bro what the hell kind of anal cavity did you pull this blatant lie out of?

well considering that only 4% of all players are in masters or gm according to old data we got directly from blizzard, im going to say jeff kaplan’s?

if you mean why there isnt a middle. its because the gap between bronze to plat is so low that its barely noticeable to anyone thats masters+

why designate “low, middle and high” when the middle portion only plays marginally better then the low portion?

imagine for a second right there are 100 possible skill points. these skill points are not SR, they are the actual players ability to play the game on a scale of 1 to 100. each point represents something you have to learn or improve at to climb.

everyone has a base of 2.5 (for being a sentient being), which is what you give to all of bronze. then you add 2.5 per rank with silver, gold and plat.

plat then caps out at 10/100. this is representative of how good a 2999 sr player is compared to the rank 1 player.

if a 2500 player is 7.5 and a 1500 player is 2.5, why wouldnt you consider them the same rank since the gap between them is so small you’d never actually notice it.

now did i make up these numbers? yes they are accurate in the context of scale but not in a literal sense because you cant actually measure this.

but the idea is that the skill gap between the metal ranks is so low that its hard too find any reason to divide them up.

again the numbers arnt intended to be accurate just to give an idea of scale.

low elo players HATE this explanation because its a massive ego death. they hold onto this idea that “im plat, im not THAT bad” but thats not how it works.

you can be better then the average player but still be bad relatively speaking. theres a reason only 14% of players ever made it out of plat and this is pretty much why.

its always “you have no real evidence, your just making things up” but how would they know.

they’ve been hard stuck in gold for 6 years, clearly thinking critically isnt their strong suit.

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You do realize Bronze takes up 3 ranks worth of SR right? Bronze is 0-1499, each rank after that only takes up 500SR of space. If an entire 3 ranks worth of players only takes up 8% of the playerbase, then yes, that is a minority. You don’t balance for minorities, you balance for majorities.
The majority of players are in Gold, Some are in Silver/Plat, only 8% are Bronze to Bronze, and only 14% are Diamond to GM. All because you’re a special anomaly of bad, doesn’t mean you deserve special treatment, just like if you were abnormally good.

Moira should do 200DPS.

ngl, I only play Overwatch because of Moira, lol. Rest of the heroes are eh to play. Moira nails it without being too disruptive. Like sure, she can be hard to kill but she is easily pushed off you if you don’t totally suck.

Only thing that kinda sucks about her is her ult being sub par and uncancellable

What are you even talking about? my point isn’t just about bronze, are you drunk?

Its called im not reading a wall of text when what you say could be condensed into a few sentences, tldr.

So… you just wrote a random response instead

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I find her hard to kill with Kiriko when she’s too close because of the life steal. Her damage isn’t too impressive. It just takes no skill. I don’t see why we should nerf her though.

lmao that’s not what that is