No Point playing OW until Moira's damage is addressed

Its the exact same as balancing for high elo, the majority of the playerbase is in the middle. People need to stop asking for special treatment. Balancing should be based around what the majority of players will experience - gold/plat.


… that person is trolling …

invalid grievance. you don’t play moira so there’s nothing to address.

True brother, I have to put 1k hours into every character before I even dare to critisize them, you’re 100% right.

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like genji, tracer, widow and hanzo

How is providing greater skill expression a bad thing?

I get the reason she has the wide cone, but it sounds like you just want her to be a free kill if you also don’t want her to have a harder aim requirement.

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why tracer? because you play her?.. tracer is the worst offender, because coupled with her insanely tiny hitbox and blizzards crappy net code make her impossible to hit

giving her 3 blinks on short cooldown and a combined effective 299hp is insulting

Moira does low damage, so she needs lifesteal to offset her high TTK in a fight.


Show me on the doll where the support beat you when you tried flanking them.


Do you have a doll to give me? :disappointed_relieved:

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That means the enemy team practically has 3 dps and one healer. The other team would be at a disadvantage

sounds about right. to be honest. and then maybe you’ll see why devs balance the way they do.
all heros are underpowered due to ineffectives such as yourself crying for nerfs season after season
for nearly 40 seasons. only new players and ineffectives cry for nerfs rather than unnerfing of all characters. several minutes to get a pick? bc often times, hero damage is utter ****. nerfs = exodus.

It’s not gonna do much. Because aiming beam characters is generally easy already. But if you don’t buff the dmg or healing gained from it being harder. Than she would be worthless in low elo.

True, everybody has to put 1k hours into every character, even the devs, every single one of them, in fact the OWL casters have to as well before they can cast OWL because otherwise how will they know anything?

I think you’re really innovative dude.


every? most don’t play every even though many could. so your sarcasm backfired. little to no hours on a character who compelled you to cry for nerfs means your take holds 0 weight. simple math.

Simple. Math.

Now, isn’t that amazing people? he’s come up with his own formula, you gotta love it folks, give it up for hugepick!

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can someone else besides the OP explain what he’s trying to advocate for? i’m …lost

you really not playing overwatch because of moira? kind of sad

Good thing I don’t like my life depending on what DRUNKINJEDI thinks is sad or not.

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how does she counter you tho? are you a genji main by chance?

i could understand if you said sojourn or widow. even tho maybe your right for low elos since moira would outshine them there but i think it has to be a REALLY LOW elo