No one's talking about Bastion's nerf

And it kinda irks me. I’m a Symmetra main and I’ve already moved on about her beam nerf because frankly the consistency patch still makes her DPS higher than it was 2 patches ago.

But Bastion just got a straight up nerf, and a QOL change that won’t really affect how viable he is at all. He now has a .25 second delay between ending his Self-repair and shooting his Recon gun immediately after.

Bastion needs help and I’m disappointed in the lack of attention he’s getting right now


He also got a buff - Now you don’t waste healing charge when you don’t need to be healed.

Who cares about bastion? He’s horrible to play with and against anyways.


That’s hardly a buff and won’t affect him in any situations except out-of-combat. the changes are both very small but the nerf one undeniably affects him more and i’m frustrated about it

So is Doomfist, Mei, Widowmaker, Hanzo, Ori- oh wait this kind of logic is literally useless and pointless

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That’s a QOL buff more than anything. It’s not the same level as a real buff.

I think it’s something. I’ve seen plenty of times where self-repair has been the difference between life and death. This buff means that you can be efficient with your self heals without having to worry about over-healing and wasting the charge, especially if you’re also being healed by a support player. I think it’ll make a difference in sustain fights.

Call it a QoL change if you want, but it is something that makes him better. That’s a buff to me.

Anyway, the nerf is described as:

So that’s “when cancelling with weapon fire”. Is the delay still there when you just stop repairing and immediately start firing?

The one button, hero shredding bunker king, is the last one that needs to complain about anything tbh

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More like a QoL change than a buff.

Yes, and now IT’S LONGER.

Doesn’t make him invalid. One could say this about any hero in the game.

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I opened up both the PTR and live and compared the 2 side by side using a bot’s travel distance in training range as a gauge of time wasted (it’s a very very rough way to test it, but…) it’s undeniably slower on PTR to switch from Self-repair to firing your weapon.

it’s fortunately, not as big of a deal as i thought it might be (and even then, I didn’t expect it to be a big deal at all) but it is a nerf regardless and I don’t get it. I have also played 1 game so far with him in QP (DPS queues are super long, especially on PTR) and the self-repair resource change is actually worth calling a buff but it’s still kind of hard to praise when he got a nerf alongside it.

basically, Bastion’s viability seems totally unchanged and that’s probably the most frustrating thing lol. I hope he’s being looked at for more changes after this

Bastion is either too niche or INSANELY oppressive and broken. There is no middle ground- at least, for the state he is now.
He needs a complete rework that makes him harder to play and also more fun to play both as and against.

It’s 1/4 a second.

I think he’ll survive.

Every single change was bad.

He doesn’t need a complete rework. The scenario in which he’s “INSANELY oppressive and broken” is when he’s fully and 100% enabled by bunker heroes. Orisa/Roadhog/(Bastion)/A Sniper or CC hero/Baptiste/Mercy

But Orisa and hanzo both got nerfs, and dive is stronger now than it’s been in a long time, so bunker is actually comfortably counterable right now (i’d say it needs a little more nerfing, just a tiny bit, but…) so no, he’s not in need of a rework. he needs buffs. I’ve been pining for Bunker nerfs for the sake of Bastion buffs for forever.

now that there’s counterplay, he can finally be buffed so he’s more middlingly viable instead of 100% niche

If they suddenly gave Genji a 0.25 second delay on dash or something people would be screaming bloody murder. It’s a nerf no matter how you slice it on the WORSt HERO IN THE GAME.

I’ve actually run bastion quite successfully with sigma and otherwise dive heroes recently.

He CAN work, forgive my contradictory statement of saying he’s 100% niche, I didn’t actually mean it fully, but he’s still undeniably subpar outside of bunker. And with bunker being nerfed… isn’t it only logical he get buffed?

That does not change anything. Who in the world is going to hold the repair button at full health? Lol

Sometimes you want to when incoming damage is on the way. It is actually a decent change and I would argue he gains more value than he loses. The nerf is miniscule.