No more easy to play Supports

I’m going to drop a link to my own topic into this thread: "Supports are too easy!"

While that thread is headed in a completely different direction, my original post is highly relevant to discussion here. I think too many people in this thread, and in the game in general, misunderstand what it means for a healer to be easy or difficult because of how different a healer’s role is within their team. Maybe some of you will have the patience to read that post (I know, it’s long!) and hopefully it will help make the conversation in this thread a bit more productive.

The biggest takeaway from the link should be that it is a fundamental requirement of Overwatch’s game design that healing output must be lower than damage, and that since output is low, it must be consistent in order to be valuable. People who try out supports but don’t main them are seeing that consistency as ease of use before they see the depth of the rest of the gameplay, and mistakenly assume that supports are easy when they are not.