No more bad off tanks in overwatch 2

So he’s doing his job? Nice!

Also no more tanks with a mix of other heroes abilities put into one to make a super tank.

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Okay did I say that’s a bad thing? I just saying he doesn’t protect the team.

Its a video game. There’s an infinite amount of ways a tank can protect people. It doesn’t have to just be a shield, deleting damage, or a bubble.

Zarya and sigma both have a better pick rate than wreaking ball. I wonder why :thinking:? Oh yeah… They can actually protect the team. Dva pickrate may surpassed wreaking ball if her buff was good enough. This will be more proof that a tank with protection abilities. Are better than ones that don’t have none.

I see people all the time wanting hog turned into a DPS. I wonder why :thinking:? Oh yeah… Because he doesn’t actually protect the team. He’s just a fat ult charge that go pew pew pew.

in 2-2-2, some tanks will always be to weak to be main tanks, as two tanks strong enough to be main tanks would the strongest combo.

Bring 3-1-2 and ALL tanks can be buffed to be main tanks.

If they made the game 1/3/2. Any tank that doesn’t have any ability to protect the team or reduce damage. Or whatever. Will be the least pick tank. It’s just that simple. They didn’t change nothing about wreaking ball in that 1/3/2 experiment. I guarantee he would have been the least pick tank.

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Depends on the style the tank wants to play. In 1-3-2, the Tank player would enjoy the freedom being able to select what ever tank he wants to pick depending on the need at the time. They would literally motivate the teams playstyle as they would strategize around the tank picks.

There a sniper? let me go Winston for a bit. etc etc

It is very dooable. But in 2-2-2, you will always have those problems of double barrier etc etc and some tanks will forever be to weak and classified as “off tank”.

I’m simply saying all tanks need a protection ability. I’m not saying hog would be played more than rein or orisa. He simply would just flat out be played more. Having more characters to play more often is good for the game. The game get stale with shield, shield, shield, zarya 24/7.

All tanks are main tanks. They are however, not all anchor tanks or all barrier tanks. Except at the highest levels where they min/max hero values, you can play any combination of tanks - provided the rest of the team chooses heroes to support them. People want the so-called “main” tanks because those are the tanks they are most used to playing and probably the tanks that will help them get the most value out of the heroes they normally choose.

Yes. Wreaking ball and hog have a higher chance of holding no value verses characters that have protection abilities. Imagine Reinhardt with more health and no shield. He would maybe be fun to play. But his pickrate would go down because he’s not protecting the team.

Wreaking Ball and Hog is hit or miss. Zarya and sigma is going to constantly add value to the team.

Hog can save someone be hooking them. But that’s about it. Hog can save people more than wreaking ball. That’s literally why his pickrate is better.

The better a tank can protect someone the better their pickrate will be. It’s not rather they have a shield or not.

Just let Roadhog serve as a barrier for allies during take a breather like Mei can for allies during Cryofreeze. Would help against things like Dva nuke or riptire or Meteor Strike, etc etc.

I see more people wanting him to be a better tank to protect the team. Right now he’s an ult charger for the enemy team.

i’ve heard people say otherwise and i never knew where to stand on the debate. i always thought it was a comp dependent thing