No mini event with malevento map

So how is it that of all the heroes in the game, McCree was the one to have the most prominent role in the story? Especially with how the announcement of the delay came after the employee was outed, if I’m not mistaken?

I know he’s a popular character, but there are a lot of other heroes that could use story updates. Plus, he’s kind of already known about what he intends to do during the events of OW2 (wander around and right wrongs), so unless it was a story in past, in which case, why McCree out of the other Overwatch operatives?

I just feel like they found a way to delay something they didn’t have fully, and the lawsuit was the perfect cover for it.

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Not even to mention Reaper lore was even also confirmed in the Reddit ama months ago.
I mean the opportunity would haven been great.

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Which would make 10 times more sense since what happened with Reaper at Rialto.
But hey, let’s say it’s related to Cree and delay more content to this idiotic playerbase, they won’t be able to realize anyways, right?

I’m starting to get more and more disappointed with everything OW-related and it’s deppresing and energy-consuming. I just can’t help but love the game but lately it’s been IMPOSSIBLE to stay positive towards it.

At first I was looking forward OW2 and kinda excited, but now… It keeps getting worse and worse…

At the end of Reunion, McCree tells Echo he has “business” to take care of. At Blizzcon 2019, the devs said we would find out what that business was before OW2. It’s not a coincidence that McCree is getting a story arc - they told us he would get featured. The fact that he’s getting a name change is the coincidental part. If that wasn’t happening, we’d be getting that story now instead of later.

I’m kind of used to this type of thing, as there’s a certain series I watch/watched that’s been progressively going downhill since the writer for it has decided that all forms of criticism to the show are “hate speech” and “haters of the show”. Honestly, I’m just viewing it to see how it all ends.

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Fair enough, though I feel like they should’ve had a backup story. I find it weird that some people don’t make backup plans or contingencies for things related to media or other.

With the McCree event occurring, did they really not have a secondary story in place in the even such as this one?

Although, I still don’t understand the name change. I feel like a better course of action would’ve been to use McCree as a message that just because you have a name of someone awful, doesn’t make you awful (a nice message for the kids). Every individual has a legacy, and McCree’s should be the gunslinger redeemer of the American West. But I digress.

with Master Ian Games’ notes about Route 66, the theory that Malevento originally had some connection with McCree comes very close.

McCree’s name change> lore extension block> partially censored map.

and with the announcement on twitter that cited the arrival of a new narrative piece on the cowboy, everything finds a logical connection on the speculations between McCree and Malevento, before the scandal in August. :thinking::thinking::thinking:

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