No Mic Then No Comp

I am tired when I join comp that I don’t get a team that communicates at all. I want every person who joins comp to have a mic. Any other mode w/o a mic is fine, but not for comp.


Most of them probably have mics they just don’t wanna use it for a large variety of reasons


Yep. Been saying this for a while now.


Bugger off, I don’t wanna try anymore. I wanna mute all toxic chats in this game, instapick hitscan and play for clicking heads. I got no business for team strats and playing good comps, no more. I would mute voice lines and emotes too if I could.


I am tired when I join comp and I get team that communicates and provides false and irrelevant information. I want every person who joins to comp and talks over coms, to talk only relevant and helpful info.


The day that mics become mandatory in comp is the day I learn to play without sound.


But isnt that weird in competitive team game?

Nah. I’m going to continue playing comp w no comms. Not even text chat.

It’s the way the game was meant to be played.

And there is literally nothing you can do about it. Not throwing, not sabotage, not against any rule whatsoever.

If you want comms every game, use lfg or play with friends. Otherwise get off my lawn


No, it isn’t. Especially considering casual tiers are the most toxic imo


I have to disagree, plat and diamond is a lot more toxic than ranks below. but maybe you are counting them as casual too, idk :smiley:

I am. Honestly I think mid/high plat is the worst. Things start to chill out after like 3600, but that’s my opinion

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Well yeah I kind of agree, gold+plat is the worst, but i cant comment above 3000 that much. Irs only based on what i did hear about diamond.

Low diamond is pretty much plat 2.0. Some gold games I have people who are chill, but it’s a coin flip and then people pretend they know what they’re talking about and are like “I’M gRanDmaSTer” when they don’t even know how to do hault/hook


Its honestly funny. When I was climbing into diamond I actualy never experienced people do this combo, not once orisa suggested it or they didnt understand what I wanted. And suddendly above 3000 people want to combo it and I was failing at it only because I wasnt used to do it lower lol :smiley:

its like you have to really relearn Overwatch and gamesense every rank :smiley:

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Diamond is where things start to change. People start to understand when to use their ults, they stagger baby DVA, and they start to understand synergies between heros and why they work. It’s where people begin to learn what team work is. Not to say they are good, but it’s where they start.

If you can learn when to use your ult, how not to die, what your job is and who you synergize with, you’ll climb in diamond.

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Every time I cross 3000 line its kind of shock to me and I have to adapt because even low dia games feels different than high plat games. Its much faster pace of the game and a lot more cooperation (usualy :smiley: )

Truthfully they should allow only a with mics in exchange for increased queue times.

I am tired when I join comp and my teammates do nothing but scream at each other for picking the wrong heroes. They use voice to do nothing but argue, there are no callouts, no ult tracking, no positivity. I want every person who joins comp to not use their mic to be toxic. Any other mode with toxic children on mic is fine, but not for comp.


“Reaper behind!”

“Rein, unbind your shift.”

“Do we need a Sombra?”

There—everyone without a mic can just write those lines onto some stickies and post them beside the computer. Every time someone is mad you aren’t in voice, just read them and you’ll know what they are saying.


First of all this should be every players choice, secondly you still can’t force players to talk or not play music. beeing in voice doesn’t mean they will communicate. And not letting players play comp because they don’t use or have a mic is stupid.