No Limits is the Answer to GOATS in OWL

they wouldn’t be in the top 15% of players once the hero went that far

who would you swap out for the extra Zarya?

What a ridiculous position.

Rules are bandaids?

Are you similarly against a defined area within which the game must be played?

Offside rules make soccer “impure”?
Do rules regarding aggressive slide tackles and fouls also infringe upon the pureness of the game to you?
Perhaps there should be no limits on what constitutes proper offense and defense.
Perhaps strikers should be allowed to punch out any defender that dare attempt to prevent them from scoring.
Maybe that would be more “pure”.

You don’t seem to understand that games are their rules.

No limits was terrible, is terrible, and will remain terrible.
Good riddance.


oh good a soccer fan, I don’t pay much attention to it.

don’t talk about slide tackles, obviously these are not the types of rules I’m talking about.

have you ever seen a bad offsides call? this reason alone is enough to get rid of the offsides rule imho.

maybe the real answer is to let the goalie use his hands any where on the field. idk

I would like to see a game of soccer played without the offsides rule, i think the game would be much more strategic if played this way

I don’t need to have more than a cursory understanding of the rules to see why offside rules exist.

Ok, good to know, only the rules you specifically dislike are up for discussion as somehow directly related to the purity of a given game.

Yeah, the keepers being able to just carry the ball, with their hands, to other net and throw it in would totally improve a game largely known as _foot_ball.

I keep seeing you say this.
Yet the example you give illustrates that you don’t see or understand the strategy and tactics involved in executing an offside trap by a defensive team.

Are you sure your handle is accurate?


thank you for your contribution

No limits in OWL would literally just turn GOATS into GOATS with an extra Zarya instead of a Dva

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but then you could just counter with 6 pharahs

No Limits leads to really stupid balance decisions, so how about no

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it worked fine in WoW RBGs

Wow PVP is pathetic and a bad choice of something to compare to

but it still worked.

Probably Dva. Maybe Rein/Winston (so you run Dva + Double Zarya).

Double Dva Dive sounds pretty solid as well.

No, it wouldn’t. Balancing heroes around their performance and statistics is enough already. We don’t need yet another variable added to the mix.

Balancing heroes around how many copies of them you’ve picked is objectively the wrong way to go.


I would say imposing hero limits is the variable, not the other way around

there’s no difference between 2 mccrees and a McCree and a Soldier, no difference except looks, philosophically.

6Brig Let’sgodude

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goats wouldn’t be around if they had 6 heroes that could kite, and until they have that, ya gotta go No Limits

When there were no hero limits, you wouldn’t get just 2 copies of a hero. A very popular team comp for rushing points consistede of 4 Winstons and 2 Lucios. It was OP as hell, and it would’ve been impossible to balance without making Winston as an individual really weak.


You have it in Arcade, be glad for that. QP would be more useless than it is even now if you did that as it would bear no semblance to comp, which would mean everyone would “practice” in comp…

yes, but double picks weren’t used in top tier play.

until there are 6 heroes that can kite like pharah, then you gotta play No Limits

not talking about OWL for now, but I wish they had No Limits Competitive mode year round