No I will not switch

It is not up to you to determine what hero I should play, stick to your role and your lane. most games where I am asked to switch I was already switching if it was relevant, some of the time I refuse to switch because it is not a character selection issue it is a tactics problem, so many times the DPS refuses to leave choke and plays passively on attack when we need to be breaking the line.

This is comp, if you need basic strategy explained you shouldn’t be playing comp.


I cant even be told to switch cus im not in chat :black_cat:



Said is said by the paste eaters making 1000s of mistakes.

No its not that we’re staggered.

Its not we’re going in as 4, or 1 by 1

Its not the fact were getting kited

Its not our terrible Ult Economy

Its not that someone screaming all game in chat, instead of playing, making it a 4v5

Its not the fact theyve also tilted their target, making it a 3v5

Its not the fact a 3rd teammate is seeing this rolling their eyes, and potentially giving up, making it a 2v5

Its not all the flaming and blaming in comms when we could simply say “genji behind” or “they used 3 ults” or “lets combo” or “push when i flank”

It comes down to, a single hero choice. Wow! Thnks for super valuable input!

“Switch torb! Switch ball. Switch hanzo! Switch widow! Switch zen! Switch nintendo! Switch!! SWITTTTCHHH!!”

If you dont switch and lose “cause this guy didnt switch”

If you dont switch and win “got carried”

If you switch and lose “too heavy”

If you switch and win “see? Isnt it easier when you switch and i stop yelling at you!”

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Maybe explain to them why you won’t switch instead of just complaining about being asked something super super simple?

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right… my teammate venture literally died twice within a min or two. Got no dmg and no elims. So, I guess i should not have asked them to switch? right…

If their bad at venture their going to be bad at every other hero. Take the Loss as that’s what matchmaker decided.

$100 says you just yelled at them to switch. Didn’t give any form of suggestion as to what to swap to or changes to make and just pointed fingers.

You can ask someone to switch. Just stop being a jerk about it. Like crying for someone to switch off venture before the first minute is even up.

But way to take what was said completely out of context! I see you do that a lot.

Making uninformed offensive personal remarks, I see.

Which part was uninformed? And if simple and basic facts offend you on a personal level then that’s not anyone else’s fault but your own.

I mean it’s not like I’m crying and calling my tanks “idiots” who don’t know what they’re doing even though I’ve openly admitted to having very very little game experience myself. Or did I call you out saying I wouldn’t want to have you on my team so that I can climb out of silver? Cuz that wouldn’t be a personal attack would it?

Me too for the most part lol