No hero should ever

No, they most Absolutely dont. Hitscan is the game on Easy mode. They exist for casual players who dont want to have to try. Period.


Nah heā€™s fine, 5th most picked DPS this week in GM. At the most just bring clip size down to 25.

Lets ignore that Soldier is clearly not top 4 at the moment. I genuinely want to know why people would consider Soldier easier than Cass, Ashe, or Widow. This is one of those things that confuses me to no end. Why is tracking over a long period of time considered easier than flicking at a single point? I play all of the heroes listed and at no point do I think ā€œman Soldier is the easiest of these 4ā€.

I agree on ashe and cassidy but not sure about widow. I feel like sheā€™s the hardest hero in the game rn becasue you have to deal with so many things (double shield, flankers, widow duels, she has no self self sustain, low hp etc). (Also yes I hate widow)

Dealing with a good Ball is more annoying than any of those things, for me at least, and is the reason I have not played her as much lately because a good Ball forces you into positions where you might as well just be Ashe (or Cass or Soldier) because you are no longer fighting at a long range anyway.

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I agree and for that reason, we need to buff other DPS heroes so that they can compete to his level.

Lol, Iā€™ve never argued Bap isnā€™t overtuned.

Iā€™ve only ever argued that nerfing I.F. will never solve how oppressive he is.

And while on the subject of Bap, clearly his reward return is not all that high considering just how low he ranks in WR (last among all supports) and PR (1/3 of Anaā€™s, roughly 1/2 of Mercyā€™s).

No they donā€™t. Just point and shoot. Literally free value.


Playing against you on hitscan is ez mode maybe.

Are we playing the same game?

Genji definitelly has the upper hand, doom basically hard counters him, and Winston is only really vulnerable to him at range out in the open. Up close Winston is forced pressure, and soldier will 9/10 times lose that fight.

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Genji and soldier were always a neutral fight until soldier got buffed, doom is so bad rn that he gets poked out before he can get to him, and Winston cant close the gap because soldier can back away fast and beam him down. No we are not playing the same game, Iā€™m playing OverWatch, while you are playing cod.

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Youā€™re very clearly not playing Overwatch. If you are, youā€™re describing like, low bronze.

What does rank have to do? I could be bronze or matsers, my opinion hasnā€™t changed. Soldier is to strong and its because the other hitscan are so strong that he needs this buff to be on par with them. Just nerf hitscans. They force double shield and no one wants/likes that in the slightest.

Because the statements you made make no sense unless the players are really terrible.

Genji has a pretty sizeable advantage over Soldier in a 1v1. Any decent Doomfist is not going to be exposed long enough to get killed by poke damage before he can even reach the soldier. And Winstons arenā€™t just going to run up to soldiers without a barrier and hold W at them.

Ah okay got it, youā€™re just one of those people. Makes more sense now.

Soldier is destroying his counter, which is why is is so good right now. Yeah I want hitscans nerfed. They are too good. I also want a lot of things nerfed. I would love an AOE nerf, tank nerf, and damage nerf for projectile and hitscans. Its just that hitscans are the most dominant for the longest amount of time, and after awhile it gets incredibly stale.

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