No hero should be able to oneshot with primary

Do you shoot?

Widow is fine.
The healimg creep is entirely the fault of healers, the barrier creep is entirely the fault of tanks, and the damage creep is entirely the fault of tanks and supports.

I don’t want Widow changed. But youbare also wrong, and i told you why.

How is a hero that when a person that cant aim or has no mechanical skill plays them, they are totally useless?
Even if a grandmaster plays Widow that only plays supports, they would be total garbage with widow.
That is not a sign of an overpowered hero.

A sign of an overpowered hero is like old Brigg.
Where a bronze player or a grandmaster, low skill or high skill will do good with old Brigg.
Why? Because she was actually overpowered.

Widow only seems overpowered in the fact that certain people that play her have good mechanical skill.
And that is something you cannot get rid of or Nerf.
You don’t punish skill.
You get rid of Widow, people with good mechanical skill will jump to the next hitscan hero and then you would start whining and complaining about the next hero they pick up.
Rinse and repeat the witch Hunt.


Healing creep is caused by damage creep. Barrier creep is caused by damage creep. Damage creep is caused by DPS needing to keep up with Widow and 1 shots.

What are your actual reasons for healing and barrier creep?

Like i said, i have no hope of changing your opinion, even though your logic is very flawed.

Skill is no excuse for OPness. Low skill and OP is still OP. High skill and OP is OP. OP is just OP.

Just because its difficult doesnt mean it cant also be OP.

You still haven’t explained how she’s overpowered besides, " it doesn’t feel good to get killed by her"
Being able to one shot does not mean that she is overpowered.
I already explained that there are several factors that go into her being able to one shot and not everybody can do it easily.
And it also has been explained to you that snipers have been part of first person shooters of all types for over 20 years without issue.
And snipers from other games don’t have to deal with endless barriers, Shields, armor, and burst healing, along with being hunted down by characters that can fly across the map with their abilities.

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Say that to Ana, who kept alive 4 tanks.

Orisa got ridiculously overbuffed in the shield department, in exchange for her doing less damage.
Basically she got shield crept, because of her own damage creep…

One shots are fine. Healin just hurts sustained dps too much.

I don’t know why it happened, but it did, and should not have happened.

It’s not OP is it takes skill.
The player just played better.

I have, read the bit about power creep.

Factors are irrelevant, they can be avoided as part of “skill”. Skill doesnt stop something from being OP.

Other games arent Overwatch. Snipers are OK in some other games.

So you admit snipers in Overwatch are different, because they have to deal with different stuff. That’s my entire point.

You didnt actually point out any flaws in my arguement, you pointed out the results.

OP is OP, regardless of skill. If we suddenly gave brig a nuke that took ridiculous skill to use, it’d still be OP when it takes out the entire enemy team.

Yeah, She is a bit different but not by much.
People complain about her hook. Other snipers from other games have translocators, Jet packs etc.
Other sniper from other games have faster rate of fire than Widow. They also dont have to charge up their shots.
In OW the enemy can A,D strife better than most FPS’s.
They dont have to deal with endless Sheilds and burst healing.
They dont have to deal with heroes that can hunt her down with crazy abilities.
Widow is weaksauce compared to some other snipers from other games.
Yet to FPS noobs , Widow is the worst thing ever. SMH.

Yup, she’s different, that’s my point. Different systems mean different problems. 1 shots are bad in this case, but not in others.

You forgot to add “In my opinion”
Not everyone thinks like this and the majority of the player base are not the small percentage that come to the forums to whine and complain.

In my professional opinion as a game designer for 18 years, yes.

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I don’t know, I think it’s balanced

Widow is arguably the most difficult hero to use. So her skill rating is in line with her damage

I’m also a silver/gold pleb, so I’ve never encountered a widow that just takes over a game. Maybe a handful that have actually contributed

More than likely in NON FPS games, which doesn’t mean much for a game like OW.
If you did have FPS experience and knowledge , we wouldn’t be having this long discussion in this thread, because you would not see Widow as a huge problem.

What hero can one shot with their primary tho?

You mean Hanzo, huh? The DPS that outclasses every other DPS right now? Yeah sorry, but someones always gonna stand out

There you go again, automatically assuming people that don’t agree with you are less than you :slight_smile:

And yeah, i’ve worked on FPS games, but none of them were Overwatch :wink:

Doomfist’s is… Hog… kindof, and you are not always guaranteed a kill after landing a hook.

I saw a really cool suggestion for Widowmaker: Everytime she reaches max charge, she should have a red dot laser scope similar to the one the Retribution snipers had.

if its very easy to one shot with primary,why u dont abuse? just go hanzo and widow and reach top500 and stop complain

If we’re removing the logic of (im assuming snipers here) a high velocity bullet to the head killing you,
we will also have to logically take out

Rein charge, df punch, cree fth combo (I mean y’all want less cheesey ways to die), orisa pull, dva bomb, tracer bomb, any damage boost stacking that takes damage over 200 so Ashe/genji blade, I’m sure there’s more.

But I’m sure people will disagree with that because somewhere in that list was something from their main.

It’s also easier to be avoided after that one shot going miss. You can make a similar argument for Ashe, if she get in a great position to dynamite let’s say 3 players on your team, that’s an guarantee 390 - 525 total damage done not mentioning she can quick scope in a shot before leaving the spot.

If you were a genji player and the enemy widow missed a shot and she is charging up another one, it should be enough time for you to throw triple shurikens and dash her, as Ana you throw in a sleep darts…etc.