FIFA 23 was hacked already on less than 7 days.
Cod modern warfare 2 was hacked during the open-beta weekend.
Microsoft, do you have enough money to spend 7000 Millions of dollars in buy a “Company” but you can’t pay some extra dollars for the “Easy-anti-cheat”?
Why the EASY-ANTI-CHEAT is so important?
There is no anti-cheat program which can stop 100% of the “Hackers”… But the EAC makes the price of the “CHEATS” VERY HIGH.
Games without EAC their trainers, they come out in “DAYS” and their average price is 12-15 USD per month. With dozens of options
Games with EAC their trainers, they come out in “MONTHS” and have a cost of 75-100 USD per month, the accounts of the cheaters are banned in “Weeks” and you need to FORMAT your PC since the EAC does not open your game, once that you were detected with a trainer.
Lol, you’re taking the “prize” for the dumbest answer of the year and believe me I do a lot of “TRASH” post on reddit dude.
Ok, I’ll answer you about FIFA 23 first. Although I know you’re “Trolling” so I’ll limit myself to answering you exclusively once.
FIFA 23 just this year they put the NEXT-GEN engine to the pc version, the past years used the OLD-GEN engine.
CoD modern warfare2. Is the prodigal son of activision, its most important franchise in the last 13 years. The economic gains that CoD generates are out of your imagination… not even joining WoW, OW, heartsone, diablo and Heros of storm could compare…
Even if they make a “New-engine” from scratch, like in “Halo-infinite” if you don’t have EAC, they will hack the game in weeks and you haven’t seen OW2? If it’s an OW1 DLC literally lmfao… You won’t tell me that OW2 uses unreal engine 6 and looks like BATTLEFIELD V or will you? LOL.
This is no different than OW1 which has been fine for six years. Occasionally somebody will come on here claiming to be able to tell that lots of people are cheating, but there’s never proof of it being widespread.
Dude. Im a 11 year cod veteran. I know how the games work lmao. Its been the exact same ever since mw2019; they use the same engine, they have cheaters day 1. Has been the same in literally every launch. Ow2 is not on the same engine as 1. You need different cheating software to cheat in it.
Overwatch 1 was in relative “calm”, because since PUBG came out, then fornite, apex, CoD warzone, the title has lost thousands of players. Obviously hackers are in games that generate more “Money”.
But OW is one of the most hacked titles in history, in fact in South Korea they have banned “Thousands” of cheaters and of course there is evidence, blizzard made the wave-bans public
Going to the point more directly, in 2016 people did not play as competitively or hack as much as now, in 2022 people compete much more intensely than 6 years ago.
Didn’t you read what I said that FIFA 23 and CoD MW2 were hacked in a matter of days? LOL. Do you think that OW2 nobody is going to hack it? of course they will and more if you don’t have EAC.
You know there’s anticheat programs other than EAC, right? Blizzard has their own anti-cheat program. OW1 didn’t have that program, and cheaters were pretty rare in that game. I don’t know why it would be different in OW2.
Thousands doesn’t sound like that many to me. Overwatch does have cheat protection. I’m not saying there are no cheaters, but I never encounter obvious ones in my games.
EA created their own anti-cheat system for FIFA 23 and they destroyed it in days
For CoD they use the “Richochet” and they passed it in the open beta in 72 hours.
The only one that is more RELIABLE because of what I explained in the initial post. I am not going to repeat it, there is the information because the EAC is the only one that is worthwhile and obviously it is “expensive” it is not cheap
with South Korea having a population of 51.78 million, thousands is likely a drop in the ocean against the amount of people that actually play OW there, let alone around the whole world. can happily say i think i only ever experienced one or two cheaters on OW1, every MP game will have cheaters, you screaming bloody mary over the lack of an EAC won’t make one appear out of thin air
Lol yes but imagine trying to convince this people and open their eyes.
The game just started, im sure is possible implement “easy-anti-cheat” with a mega update but sadly if they let the game on this stake i Call that right now
I don’t know much about anti cheat measures, so I’ll take your word for it! How does a trainer work in a PVP game? I’ve only seen it in PvE before. Can it change things like player health, damage output, etc.?
You could see your opponents, through walls, as if you had permanent Widowmaker Ultimate active.
You could adjust the aimbot so that it would start shooting in the “Chest” or another part of the body but after a few shots it would go to the head, this was to “disguise” and avoid people notice onthe kill-cams.
The aimbot also had an instant-head shot for widowmaker, ashe, Mccree etc. But a lot of people do not use this one, cuz is very easy notice.
Another very popular was to get ultimate x2, x3, instant ratio. Of course, if you put instant ultimates they will notice, so they set it to x1.75 to hide
Many more things could be done, but I think that with this I have already said the most important ones.