No Contender skins or Token drops

I have everything connected correctly and I am not receiving any OWL tokens or Contenders skins from the other day’s matches.

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I think that many have this problem. I also watched all the broadcasts of the league and the content. The last days ceased to give awards. The league looked at the League website. The green point indicator disappears after a while. Contender looked at YouTube. After viewing August 17 (about 9 hours), Sigma did not become affordable. The past skins of the tracer and hamster did not give for a long time, depending on the stream on the Condenders website. After the transition to YouTube, I received them. Now I try to watch the league on YouTube. Maybe the same problem with the league website and time is not counted. I hope that Blizzard will fix it


I had this problem today, i didnt receive any tokens and im at 595, 5 more i can get 3 skins… Idk whats going on but i hope this is fixed asap.

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Yeah I haven’t got any tokens/contenders skins. The tracer/ball skins unlocked perfectly okay for me, and OWL tokens also were working fine when the Midseason Madness tourney was going on, so I think the problem may have started after that.

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Same here… i’ve posted on EU and FR forums, seems US got same trouble

I have used the Youtube one once, and I was there for 4 hours. Left it overnight, since the matches are always past midnight, here in Denmark, so I have to just leave the stream online. I didn’t get a single token.

Usually, the buggy app on my tablet running, can give some tokens. It have a habit of randomly just shutting off, and there have not been a single time, that the “Teams failed to load” thing have worked, in well over a year. But it at least still tends to give tokens.

The last few days, I have gotten nothing. I sit at 191, and watched around 10 hours, and yet not a single token. :confused: It’s very frustrating.

How do you make th Youtube one work? The one time I used that, were over a week ago, and as said, got nothing. And yes, I am connected with my account. I checked.

I put the OWL app on my phone on set the volume low and let them play on there, thats how ive been getting them for the longest time, either that way or thru youtube, ive tried both nothing, at this point im probably owed like, yesterdays entire scheduale worth of tokens, + todays. Im gunna be pretty pissed if i dont get these tokens, there the ones throwing it on our faces to link this and watch OWL, fix it, fix the damn thing man this is the problem with like 90% of blizzard games theres always some small little thing someone forgets and it never gets fixed. They take one step forward and like a leap backwards everytime.

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Still 0 tokens… I hope they fund us the missing tokens owed for the passed few days.

Same exact issue here…the green dot eventually just vanishes…I also have YouTube going as well. I really would like the skins to appear as it would be the first time I miss Contenders skins. Everything has worked as intended up until Moira and Sigma.

Use the owl app on ur phone, and play it via there, or via youtube, yeah even the OWL webpage is messed up for me. I used to just be able to log into it and leave it on low volume and it was fine, now even if i leave it on the green dot eventually dissapears. The only things that have been working legit were my connected youtube account watching it thru youtube directly thru that, or the OWL phone app. Tbh i dont care much for the contenders skins its kinda like the rookie league the players are amazing dont get me wrong i just like that OWL logo, looks sick as widow’s back tattoo, but yeah i personally like the OWL ones more, im really hyped i got the widow shes one of my mains, ive been waiting a while for her skin to go back into rotation, next is lucio wich is good caus, i need a good skin for him tbh. The random cool skins that pop up for 200 are cool, there basically must buys if ur a collector, im 5 points away from 600, wich would let me get the next one and 2 more, the next one should be coming soon seeing as kick off clash has the luchador reaper, midsummer madness had knight mercy, now summer showdown im guessing is going to have one. I probably should check out some contenders skins, i know i have a few.

But also, they responded to my ticket and basically ignored it and linked me to a bunch of tips like, did you link your account? did you do this? like yeah i obviously already know all of this. Smh

I can also verify no tokens or skin drops, which bothers me because I actually want Moira and Sigma. :frowning:

I’ve been letting it run on YouTube since the OWL site has been so buggy lately with disconnects, and had no problems, up until this most recent event thing. So what gives? What did they break?

Bumping to confirm that still 0 tokens added.

same issue here. and no answer from blizzard TT

I logged on and randomely jumped from 595 to 700 so, i think they fixed it. I also got sigma but not moira yet even tho im almost positive ive had 10 hours watched but idk. Atleast it seems fixed.

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This has been an issue for years and Blizzard hasn’t done anything about it. They will have their support staff and forum mods copy/paste support articles and say it’s probably you. I have a theory that they don’t want to fix this so that they get the ad revenue while hoping you pay for the league t…