Same haven’t good any of my points
Im shocked by how many people I see with diamond,masters,etc role challenger titles. They must be the chosen few who aren’t affected by this bug that’s been present for months now dating back two or three seasons. Some have been affected since season 2. Oh well. Let me go play comp and rank up just so I wont get the title again next season.
they didnt give me my points for dps and support only tank this is actually a joke man all my time wasted for what
Master role challenger… Only recieved the points. It says i recieved the title but it does not even pop up. Guess i lost that title.
I received -1000 instead of +1000 Competitive points for diamond. Rip
Same. Got the „season end“ screen and thats it. Really want my points
on two of my accounts didnt get any rewards at all, on one i didnt get the title i was granted
Glad to see I’m not the only one. Confused as to why this hasn’t been fixed if it was a problem last season also?? I placed diamond in reg comp and plat in deathmatch comp but only got the comp points for the dm comp…
This happened to me season 3, and again this season. There was a thread that blizzard responded to last season saying they were looking into it, with no definitive answer or timeframe on a fix.
Same I didn’t get mine even though I got plat in all roles in role queue and diamond in open queue
No points received for being in Plat open queue or gold role queue. Strangely, I did receive them for competitive deathmatch. Not sure what I did wrong in open queue/role queue but right in deathmatch.
Same here I received the points but I did not receive the title and it is still locked.
Had two accounts that finished top 500 in season 4, both accounts don’t have the title. On this account I can’t even equip the “no title” title, no i have to have a random title equipped.
Same, got the popup screen, but nothing credited to my profile
same here, no GM title reward, along with other titles are gone
fix this #### pls Blizzard
Same here , Plat , reward screen popup ,no reward
Same, gm1, the reward menu showed up, but no title at all
I havent gotten any season rewards since season 2, which kinda sucks because i could have gotten another gold gun by now
Same thing has happened to me, haven’t gotten any comp points or title. I finished a couple of days before season 4 ended. When I did log into Overwatch today though I saw the screen addressing that I had completed my rank and everything but still no points none the less. Hope this gets fixed soon.
Same, diamond 4, i received my points but no title