Heroes that got to much for not enough should either get nerfed into F and then reworked or directly rework.
Just beeing garbage doesn’t help anything
Heroes that got to much for not enough should either get nerfed into F and then reworked or directly rework.
Just beeing garbage doesn’t help anything
Unless that hero is brig.
Cough* Zen Cough*
Except there aren’t “bad” characters in OW. Every single character in this game feels fluid mechanically and are at least fun to play on a casual level.
If you’re asking for every hero to be viable in ranked, then I’m sorry to inform you that it’ll never happen, no matter which game you play. Perfect balance does not exist.
Whatever hero you’re complaining about in mind (probably Sym or some other cheese hero) they aren’t bad. Just not the best competitively. There’s nothing stopping you from playing them casually in QP, or hell even ranked. Nothing is stopping you.
The clunky nature of sym has to disagree
Sym feels fine to play. You guys just want her to be top tier lmao.
She isn’t a fluid character that’s all I am saying.
See I’m not complaining about any hero lol, I’m complaining about all the people on the forums who think that just because they find a character annoying, it means that that hero deserves to be nerfed to the ground and be absolute trash.
Nothing about her feels clunky. She doesn’t even have a kit that would fit the word clunky.
What, do you want her to instantly deploy her TP and have hitscan turrets?
Most of the Sym mains here don’t want that either lol, we just want her to be viable
She is viable, up until a certain point, like every cheese hero.
Hold on let me rephrase that,
We want her to be ‘decent’. Anyways, this post isn’t about her
Whats unfun about a free kill unless your names soldier or zen?
Having no instant access abilities even on her gun makes her clunky. Turrets don’t synergies with tp and her tp has poor synergy with her own gun.
I would be much happier if turrets were replaced with her old photon barrier because that would make much more sense on the character.
Being able to stay in the new space claimed by tp and being able to defend yourself would make much more sense on the kit
Another change that made the character clunky was infinate tp. People don’t want ten seconds of time where they are just a much worse sym 2.0
Sym can be a fun character but her Current kit is one of the worst designed in this game
This is purely just a wish list for the character lmao, not actually her being clunky.
She plays fine. Her turrets have synergy with her TP, what are you talking about?
Literally the only clunky thing I can think of is not being able to instantly TP in and out. There’s like a short cooldown if I’m not mistaken, but if she could do that it’d be broken.
Having huge windows where you are just a significantly worse version of sym 2.0 is a problem. She use to not have this with her old tp. At that time she was a fairly fluid character.
All her downtime Makes her clunky.
They Took her tool that was made to make her versatile and turned it into a gimmick
That’s called having a different playstyle. A slow one.
Not having a high APM doesn’t equate to a character being clunky.
Yeah but having abilities that don’t synergies on her own kit is what makes her clunky.
Having an amazing mobility tool is limited by the really poor range on her gun. She doesn’t benefit from high ground and takes a huge risk in enemy back lines because she has no self protection.
Turrets on the tp is a gimmick it’s not a good example of synergy because of how inflexible it is.
And guess what it leads to a character that isn’t nearly as successful or as versatile as her previous iterations.
Forcing a character into a slower playstyle isn’t good especially when we had a balanced version of the character with a mixed playstyle. The devs shouldn’t have forced infinite tp on sym
You gotta understand you can’t just make everything feel “fluid” because then it messes up balance. Sym having short range on her primary fire while having a long distance tool such as TP is called balance. Why would you give her indefinite range on her beam along with a TP? Not only would that be broken but it would just be making her TP obsolete.
Turrets synergizing with TP is cheese but still synergy nonetheless. She’s a cheese character. I really don’t know what more you expect to be fluid lol.
Every incarnation of Sym was always cheesy and pretty much bottom tier. Sym 2.0 or 3.0 doesn’t change that.
Like, you Sym mains really need to drop the character already. At this point you guys just have a problem with who she is and how she’s supposed to be played. There are 30 other characters to play and it’s like you guys are forcing yourselves to play something you constantly don’t like.
Play another hero or just drop the game lol.
We had something that was fluid and it was taken away that’s the problem.
Sym 3.0 pre infinite tp was in a balanced spot who was able to be played with a good mix between defensive and aggressive styles while being a decent pick
Sym 2.0 had a very fluid kit that made her a defensive monster. She was niche but not over centralizing in the game
I really don’t care about the character underpreforming skill can easily make up for that. All I am looking for is a fluid kit. Taking a characters main ability and butchering it shouldn’t be the direction the devs take a character
It’s as if they try to balance tracer by adding a second delay between blinks even if it adds balance it would be a poor change because it makes a fluid character very clunky