No change after 7 wins

This entire reply aged so poorly with the news of Bronze 5 being bugged for the majority of competitive queuers.

I got Placed Silver 2 for DPS. Not sure how to feel about it. Guess I’m just happy I didn’t play comp and get the bronze 5 bug.

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I just got my 7th win, my rank didn’t change and right now I’m pissed and very much dejected because I was led to believe I could escape this hell hole that is bronze.

My message to the devs (I don’t believe they read this stuff but here I go anyway):

Don’t advertise our rank being updated after 7 wins or 20 losses if it’s not guaranteed to change because it is tied to a hidden SR. This is the dumbest way to handle competitive rating and I’m sure you know it.

Bring back SR and let us see our real rating, IN REAL TIME.

Being left in the dark is the opposite of fun. I want to be able to clearly evaluate where I’m at and how I’m progressing and this system does not make the cut.

It’s still performance based. You can even go DOWN after 7 wins. I just went DOWN after 7 wins and 5 losses. I assume because at least 1 of those that I lost is one I was statistically designed to win.

At the point now where even though I’m playing with a group of friends some are starting to pass in rank high gold low plat while I’m still Bronze 2 even though we always play as a group. Just won 7 games lost 1 only went from b3 to b2 which I killed it and got b3, 3 times in a row before that. I’m positive in wins, I don’t get it. I feel bad for the bronzers that are actually bronze especially since we roll them so badly sitting in spawn. Out of those 7 games none of them even won a round no jokes either I verified with my history.

To be honest at some point I’m just gonna quit from all the salt and usually when I do I just don’t come back and I’m sure I won’t be alone. Happens with all kinds of games that have dog water launches then you will see this game on Twitch again with 1k viewers like it was in OW1

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Some people says the system gives more importance to stats. Would that mean heroes like mercy lucio which stats are focused only on heal will never go up because other healers like moira has way more impact on dps and strong heal stats? This system really need to be explained by blizzard because it seems really f****d up. I was ranked silver 5, then i had like 7 wins 10 losses, they gave me silver 3 so i decided to go full mercy because my winrate was higher than other heroes, i did 7 wins, 2 losses and they kept me silver 3 eventhough i had 11-15k healing per game. Nonsense!

I really enjoyed ow 1, im still enjoying ow2 but i think i won’t do so for a long because
you definitely can’t follow your elo like we could before. They could totally keep this stat system AND allowing us to see how many points we get after each game. Having good stats depends also from your team, i mean if everybody is ranked bronze and silver, the gap between real silvers and better players that are forced to carry will just fight together in every game and we will have sort of a gold/silver/bronze elo with no real barrier between then which will make it even harder to play at your level…

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Totally agree you can have twice the heal vs every other healer in the game and doing it every single game you wont go up because this role is f****d up and noones want to play it. Thats sad.

If stats influence rank up/down I don’t know how, I play heal, I’m in gold 4, and I constantly have the most healing of the game, and the top dps agmonst the healers. Yet after 7 wins out of 11 games, 3 of those losses being after a “teamate” leaves mid game, I got demoted to gold 5…

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I just hope they fix the way ranking works soon. It makes me not even want to play ranked or invest money into the game if its broken. I know im not the greatest player, but i still went 7-4 in my last cycle and still stayed bronze 5. It absolutely drives me nuts lol. I think ill just be playing unranked until the issues are fixed.


i’m a high plat player, placed silver 1 at first, just did my first rank up after 7 wins and placed gold 2. my guess is it looks like it leans even more towards personal performance than ow1 did, so people are getting their 7 wins before 20 losses, but their stats in each game are average or low compare to other players their role, so the system is keeping you at the rank it thinks you belong. gotta get those numbers up and carry more to prove to the system you belong higher


Ahhh cool cool. Thanks.

I wish I was able to tell what rank I am. My comp stats are still at 0 and have never updated. I haven’t seen much talk from Blizz on this one, but hopefully that gets fixed soon. For now Comp feels like QP to me because I have no idea what level I am at or playing against.

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I don’t understand where all of these complaints are coming from. New to the game, silver 2 in first 7, gold 3 in second 7. Rank isn’t about win/loss. It is about personal performance. If you are winning a lot and still in Bronze, then you are being carried through your wins.

I agree that there should be more transparency into the calculation. Black box ranks are pretty annoying/discouraging, especially for people stuck behind.

My guess here is that they compare you to the average of your class based on team comp and other stats. Mercy is always high healing, so if you are 15k and the average for Silver 2 is 20k, then you aren’t going to progress.

Please tell me the stats that its taking into consideration! Is it damage? Is it kills? Is it deaths? WTF IS IT? Because I dont just sit back and get carried. My damage is usually higher than others. More often then not my kills out number my deaths so please tell me what stats its looking up cause I have 5 promotions and every time its bronze 5.

I just won 7 games playing as Tank, one win after another, nothing has changed.
I can’t understand this system.
I don’t know what to do, the game just doesn’t explain anything.

I believe this system is still broken.
For some it seems to work, for others it doesn’t.

I think Blizzard didn’t test this system well, as well as the rest of the game.

You’ll need around 30 wins or so to get out so 4/5 placements with around 60% or better winrate I think

This isn’t true at all, there’s a stat bug for some veteran players that is seemingly dragging our MMR down constantly. None of my transferred stats are correct and none of my OW2 stats have updated in my Career profile since launch so the game seems to be treating me like I’ve basically been doing nothing in my matches, and every match report is showing career best in every category which is obviously wrong. I’ve gone from playing with/against high Plat - mid Diamond players in the first few days to playing with/against people in Bronze or people with less than an hour play time.

Blizzard know this is a problem, but the last patch didn’t fix anything and they’ve been ignoring us since then. It has absolutely nothing to with skill decay or being carried, I had a higher than 50% win record when I was playing with people at the level I should be playing, the game just thinks those matches didn’t happen.

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Sorry but Its hard for me to believe your story, yes everyone got placed a couple tiers lower what they were in ow1, that was intentional, but he should have no issue climbing back up. Everyone i know, and every streamer I’ve watched had no problem climbing, i know there was a bug that placed people bronze, but I’ve personally never seen anyone who’s rank was literally just stuck in place no matter what they did. This could be a thing, I’ve just never seen it anywhere and it didn’t happen to me, i had no issue climbing

Lolz I got a positive win rate, winning games, ranked down B2 to B3 dead game uninstalled was fun for a week I guess. New better games on horizon. Blizzard messed up again easier to quit the game and get over it honestly…