No Archives Announcement?

Hi everyone,

I know last year Retribution was announced at halftime during OWL, but we didn’t hear anything this time around. Do you still have hope we’ll see anything before the night is over?

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Jeff posted on the forums that there will be a Dev Update happening next week so if anything? Tuesday coming up will be it.


Man I hope we get something soon, a repeat of the older events would be so disappointing… We better get that Talon mission.

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If it’s the same as last year I’m officially done with this game

we’re still 2 weeks out…i still expect we will get an announcement during OWL…but its more likely next week

Keep in mind that according to the leaked dates we are still nearly 2 whole weeks out.

they already stated we would get a new event and some of the leaked achievments support this claim. Plus we are still one week from the usual announcement date and two week from release date.

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