No 4v4/3v3 whole event

I’m not sure if 3v3/4v4 are that unpopular, or what, but neither have been up this whole event. I get all modes need to be rotated around so everything gets its fair share, but i think we should have a rotation on all slots, i dont see why 6v6 mystery heroes should be up all the time. my suggestion would be a slot for ffa/1v1 that rotates between the different ones as those are solo queue. Then a slot for 3v3/4v4 and other odd size group gamemodes. then a slot or 2 for 6v6 type gamemodes to rotate around. That way solo queue, smaller parties and 6v6 all get their fair share of space in arcade. I also think events should take up only the big slot, maybe split it in half, the events are fun to play, but get tiring after some time and wont take away from any other game mode as far as player count, because if people decide to play an event gamemode comp or not, they wouldnt be playing the other modes instead or vice versa, so adding an extra slot purely for events wouldnt harm anything.

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4v4 please. I’m so tired of qp. My brain can’t handle any more. 4v4 or atleast some total mayham.

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im not sure what that has to do with what i said? i wasnt talking about how many people are in lucio ball.

I misread I’m sorry. I thought this was a “Why no 4v4 Lúcioball?!” post.

My apologies.

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All good, but it did answer a curiosity i had when lucioball first came out, so thanks for that at least.