No 3rd beta makes no sense

So you think bad queue times for an entire month after launch won’t cause hardly anybody to not join or quit.

But buffing Supports will. And that buffing Supports is this obscene threat we need to worry about, despite it probably not making the game as Defense oriented as OW1, and “preventing 3+ Supports on a team” being a non-issue for Role Queue.

Tbh, I legit haven’t seen any gameplay arguments for why buffing Supports to be contribute more to Objectives Captures/Defences than DPS would be a problem.

Other than people just emphatically declaring it would be a problem, and using buzzwords like “unbalanced” and “broken”.

As if Supports being more valuable than DPS somehow gives DPS less hero choices.

? halo infinite is still popular

To keep it simple, overpowered heroes are obnoxious to play against & also makes people quit.

If Tank & DPS players are going against OP Brig, OP Zen, OP Moira, OP Bap, OP Ana, OP Lucio, OP Mercy & OP Fox girl and enemies aren’t dying and/or supports are more lethal than DPS and/or headaches for tanks then people are going to quit the game in droves very quickly, all just because we wanted to overbuff supports because we weren’t sure a new support would make people want to play the role, which it will, especially once progression is unlocked and playing the game actually earns you stuff unlike the beta.

My thoughts are, why do that? Why not see what the first new support in 4 years does for the role and then make changes if needed? If people are going to quit the game altogether and not come back because they only play support heroes when they’re OP then they aren’t going to stay around anyways… You don’t break the game to try to keep players around. If players need their heroes to be OP to enjoy the game they’re going to leave regardless once they’re nerfed. Cya! :wave: those players are not reliable or worth breaking balance for.

It really is not. For a F2P game of an established franchise it is ridiculously unpopular and it is entirely the fault of the developers who in now 9 months have put out 2 maps and that is it in terms of content with an already low showing of maps when the game launched. It is amazing how much Microsoft and 343 bungled the release of Halo Infinite because the gameplay was very well received when it launched.

It makes perfect sense. The betas were nothing more than making people think they had input and a cash grab.

So basically you got zero gameplay reasons, just that it violates an atheistic sensibility.

And yes, no doubt it would get some people to quit. But the idea that “Hey, an entire month of bad queue times at launch won’t bother anybody, but Supports having a little bit more healing or a little bit more firepower. And then the game is THE SKY IS FALLING, SHUT OFF YOUR BRAIN, BUZZWORD BUZZWORD BUZZWORD”.

Also it’s not like I’m asking for Supports to have MORE lethality than DPS. Or for the game overall to have MORE composition durability than Overwatch 1.

Like seriously, if all you you is slippery slope analogies, and circular logic of “Why would it be bad? Because it’s another word that also means bad”. Like for real dude. That’s a pretty sloppy argument.

But again, the biggest thing, is that your entire argument hinges on bad queue times during the launch window of PVP being basically zero threat. Therefore anything else that causes any amount of players to quit is worse.


  1. Is wrong
  2. Pretty much any solution to fix queue times will get some amount of players to quit.

So it’s not a question of “How do we get zero players to quit”. It’s a question of “How to we get the fewest amount of players to quit”. In addition to “How do we get the largest amount of players to join”.

And if nearly all the competitors FPS titles and pre-rolequeue former Overwatch players are used to 2 minute queue times. And then you give them 15 minute queue times. They will bail.

Especially since this Gundam Overwatch clone looks like it will be Open Queue, so it won’t have that queue time issue.

Huh??? OP heroes being obnoxious to play against is precisely a gameplay reason…

Yeah but OP doesn’t actually mean anything beyond “I don’t like it”.

Your logic basically reads

“If Supports contribute more to Objectives Captures/Defends then that would be bad because…another word that also means bad”.

How do you figure that? If Zenyatta did 100 damage per orb is that just “I don’t like it”?

Am I asking to give Supports a 40% increase in firepower?

Do you think making a slippery slope exaggerated strawman, is necessary to prove your point?

What I was suggesting was to give Supports somewhere between 2.5x and 1.5x headshot modifier, but otherwise no change to their bodyshot damage.

But heck, even if we did give Supports more raw firepower, the only requirement would be that they have less firepower than DPS.

For instance, let’s imagine they have Moira a 40% increase in primary fire damage. So she has 70dps, instead of 50dps. Compare that to Soldier with 171dps.

Is the idea that Supports could stand a reasonable chance of winning a disadvantaged battle in a 1v1, in a Class Based Shooter, so reprehensible to you?

Heroes are always overturned on live servers at launch, so we’ll just have to wait for that to balance out naturally. I have faith that the devs can take it from here with all the feedback given over the past months…

I dont think this will work, support is already gigabuff’d. The problem is people are not getting the play experience they are looking for when they queue support. I honestly do not know how blizzard will fix the problem, I’m not sure if they can. I’m guessing their plan is to keep releasing support hero’s with cool new abilities to keep the queue times down but will this work, who knows.

The rumors have been that they have been working on pve these last few years and it is in development hell. The pvp stuff has mostly been done in the last 6 months. I think when they decided to release pvp as a separate game they should have crossed 5v5 off the list. It would be much less work, and much easier to improve 6v6. As it is now we are getting 5v5 for a game built for 6v6, it might have worked but 5v5 is too much work for too little gain.

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Well yeah, they started on it in early September 2021, and I posted that they should do that in late August 2021.

Granted this was just before the OWL Team owners were going to have a group meeting with Blizzard staff.

So I was trying to push things forward with a “Hey this is possible”.

And hey go figure, they went with zero Support changes, except for Brig. Which is what I was suggesting, because it would speed up the process a lot.

[OW2] Balance Design Blueprint

Well specifically, they’d need to do buffs that are inherently Fun.

I.e. More firepower, more movement, and opportunities for big SoloPlays.

So for instance, maybe instead of 50dps, Moira gets 90dps on bodyshots.