Ninja Omnic skin has to be Kiriko (Reasons)

I think I’ve got “official” confirmation that the Ninja Omnic is a Kiriko skin.
Reason 1: Ponytail
Reason 2: Clothing for the waist area that resembles classic skin “skirty” garment
Reason 3: Ultimate Bundle details
Reason 4: Kunai/Knife visible in left hand faintly

"You can also upgrade to the Overwatch 2: Ultimate Invasion Bundle for $40 USD, you will have access to all the above, as well as:

  • The Null Sector Premium Battle Pass with 20 Battle Pass skips ($30 USD value)
  • An additional 1,000 Overwatch Coins, for a total of 2,000 Overwatch Coins ($20 USD value)
  • Two additional Legendary skins for Cassidy and Kiriko ($38 USD value)."

Comparison pictures in Reddit post


Geez, 38 dollars. That’s ridiculous.

To be frank, legendaries should be 15 a piece at MAX.

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Is there any way to see a pic of the skin?

Look at the character furthest to the right

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Definitely kiriko but who know what if its genji lol

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thats definitely genji’s posing tho

It seems like it but no sword is the reason i think its kiriko

Didn’t write it in the post but you can see it in the image in the Reddit post. She’s holding a knife in her left hand just like she does in game.