Nicknames for heroes

Tell me I’m not the only one who does This!

Sombra: Fun Police
Roadhog: Oink
Lucio: Froggy Boi
Reinhardt: Rein-Daddy
McCree: McClean
Hanzo: Handsoap (obviously)
Widowmaker: S***owmaker
Moira: Mariah Carry (get it? :joy:)
Mercy: Nerfcy
Doomfist: Mr. Fister

Reaper: The most splendid, beautiful, badass, metal and powerful hero in the game.

Brigitte: Baugette

Any of y’all know more?

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Pharah: worst cancer in console

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You’re the only one who does this

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Mercy-Goddess of Nerfs
Hammond-Rolly Polly

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Even better lol

I’ll fix some of yours.

Humugabungalunga Sleeves
The Frog King

Tracer: Cancer. Cause that is exactly what she’s giving me. Hate her.

And doomfist has the best nickname yet tho: Mr Fister.


Adding it :joy:

20 char lol

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Tracer: Trasher
Winston: Monkey
Roadhog: Fatso
Torbjorn: Trollbjorn
Bastion: Garbage
Genji: Weeb Trash
Reaper: The most splendid, beautiful, badass, metal and powerful hero in the game.

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Brigitte - Baguette
Tracer - Cancer
Genji - Weaboo 69

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Added for your pleasure

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I’m going to classics

Reaper: Edge Lord

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genji: the bugged weeb
tracer: fast lesbian


  • Breadbasket
  • Bagel girl
  • Baguette

Doomfist’s nickname is Dapper Doom Daddy, but only when he uses the Formal skin.

I used to play for a pretty serious team, now we just do fun pugs together. Our legit callout for Hanzo is “Handsoap”

Some people call Mei “Satan” but I don’t know why, she’s so cute and fluffy like a marshmallow, that’s why I love her! :blush:

Mei’s nickname is Meibae. Because she’s Bae.

Brigitte: cancer
Brigitte: a mistake
Brigitte: stun goblin
Brigitte: -inaudible screaming-

Wrecking Ball: Ham the Ham