Next Experimental Patch

Does anyone know when the Next EXC is coming.

Knowing blizzard prob Thursday of next week

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Isn’t it nice to not have to wait 6-10 weeks between balance changes?


Bold of you to assume games get balance patches glares at updated localization files

Watch them nerf hanzo’s primary cause they overbuffed storm arrows.


lol imagine if they did that. I would be laughing


I mean.

Patch 1.43 clarification - #7 by GreyFalcon-11737

If they nerf Hanzo primary fire because of storm arrows, 90% of hanzo players will rage. It’s just like Brig, they balanced her kit around repair pack and gutted her survivability, and now Hanzo is getting his sniper/duelist aspect nerfed because they choose to balance around his spam and tankbuster playstyle

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Thursday and I hope it’s massive.


Especially when its clear after 2 days that the changes are for the worse… and when the next patch comes around: they change more things that dont need to be touched… jesus… they should start playing the game and make polls online…

istg it better be tommorow or thursday. :slight_smile:

Oh wait

Tank buffs :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

I’d much rather they nerfed half the heroes to be honest.

Knowing Blizard they probably buff tanks before understanding the problem so tanks will be OP in about 3 to 6 months time.

I mean, there were tanks who needed buffs prior…

laughs in D.Va and Orisa

Nerfs to Zen, Hanzo, and Echo probably

Yeah that’s the funny thing, Blizz fails to understand the problem so they give buffs willy nilly to try to counter the problem.

Dva was buffs 6 times in 2020, and Rein was given huge buffs recently. Neither hero is actually good because the buffs are dumb and show a huge misunderstanding of how the game works.

Eventually they realize the issue and then fix it, but those buffs won’t be reverted fast enough so… The cycle begins again.

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That’s the sad part, and she’s still underpicked everywhere other than bronze…

I hope they realize that the 33% DM nerf is the most affective right now…

Hopefully we see nerfs to Zen Echo Tracer and Ball at a minimum and 100% revert that stupid Hanzo buff. It was cute but no.