I just had an idea for the next Chinese New Year event.
It’s a short journey to a big boss fight kind of thing:
Sanzang Zenyatta and his three tank companions (2017’s skins for Zenyatta, Winston, Reinhardt, and Roadhog) journey across the map to challenge one of the the Four Symbols (2018’s skins for Pharah, Mercy, Genji, and Zarya, in order to gain a secret scroll or something of the like. (Can probably select which boss to go for from arcade menus.)
Each boss is greatly powered-up, and will require coordination, as the players’ team is three tanks and a healer. (Each boss plays differently, whereas Genji would probably try to target Zenyatta, who needs to be protected, whereas Mercy could be permanently in her Valkyrie ult, healing through damage with greatly increased abilities & health.)
Winning the boss fight rewards Sanzang with (as I am currently imagining it) a secret scroll which, when opened and read, reveals a special loot box that appears off the page. Completing the mission rewards the player with that special loot box, which contains only a single item as opposed to the normal four (since the mission also counts toward the 9 weekly arcade wins). This randomized item has a greater chance of being a new item, or a pile/chest of coins, than it being a repeat item (in going with the theme of gaining wisdom and prosperity from the gods).
I really hope one of the appropriate devs gets a chance to read this, because I think it would be a really fun event to play with friends.