News on Broken Credit Challenges

Apparently there’s a new X post by Jared that the credits for challenges is still broken, and won’t be fixed. Instead they’re extending the anniversary shop into season 7, adding new stuff, and giving everyone 3,000 credits.

Apologies, can’t seem to link the X/tweet. Hopefully something will get posted here.

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I’m going to see if I can link it.

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Craig pinned a message regarding same to the top of the general forums yesterday.

Cool. Didn’t see that Craig had added to the original message. It was still showing as read, usually meaning nothing had changed.

Good catch!

Honestly just happy to see we’ll finally be able to use our credits on more stuff. Feels bad sitting on 40k with nothing to spend it on while they keep giving me more and more and more.

Wasn’t sitting on quite that many when 2 launched, but glad we’re getting new items for purchase as well.

Wish they would give us coins instead, credits are worthless.


That’s why the anniversary shop has been such a big deal. Previously coin or cash only items are now available for credits. So credits are now worth something.

3k is actually very small amount for so many skins in anniversary shop, especially for new players who don’t have any coins.

DOn’t really know how people got 40-100k coins from OW1, but OW2 you need to play whole year to be able buy ONE skin.:smiley:

They have 40K+ legacy credits, not coins. Different currency. Credits only allow purchase of old cosmetics and a handful of new ones. They were pretty easy to build up if you played regularly in OW1.

its a low amount but if you played before they fixed the bug youd have thousands already. the tweet seems to imply they fixed the bug (sort of) and will just give ppl 3k credits to make up for those that cant collect the 3k naturally now.

Oh no! It seems our games broken! Ah shucks, guess you’ll just have to play on the first day of the new season
:point_right: :point_left: :wink:

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they are actually silver coins and overwatch 2 have new currency gold coins.

Despite fact, you can buy anything with silver coins just not premium shop skins. 3k anniversary currency are same silver coins - legacy credits, but you are not able to buy anything that cost gold coins, but anything else you can.

Anniversary could reward at least 30k legacy credits for new players and everyone 3k gold coins.

at the same time, I’m struggling to decide which 1 skin I wanna buy, because no money

That’s not usually a struggle for me even if I only had few monies. Which of the featured heroes do you play most? Buy that one. I didn’t buy them all even though I have enough for them all, I just bought Echo and Lucio’s since I will never in my life play Doom, Sym, Sigma or care about any of their skins.

But honestly if there’s any other skin that came out between October - June that you really love, just wait, don’t spend. Might appear later and you’ll be mad you wasted your money on something mid.

Best looking skin in the bunch is McCree’s imo. All the others have much better skins than the ones featured.