NEWS: Blizzard Korea posts first sanction list of 2020 - Over 7,000 players actioned for disruptive behavior

Have you actually thought about what that would take? Like, just consider the sheer amount of reports that go through a day. It takes a couple seconds to report someone, now think of how long it would take to verify every one of those reports manually. It’s not at all a viable solution.

I don’t think it’s that simple, as it’s contextual.

So your solution is essentially get rid of the report system and make people roll over and accept toxicity?

I think most of us would rather stick with what we’ve got.

I say ‘gg wp’ after every single game. I still haven’t even gotten a warning, even after a number of games with people who express their annoyance.

That’s just my experience though :wink:


There’s a difference between GG after a great round by both teams, And GG from a team that won a stomp, The first is a great game, The second is just rubbing it in someones face and being unsportsmanlike

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Right? So your account isn’t provably unsafe even if you avoid all comms.

Avoid feeding --> failure to engage the enemy.
Engage and die --> feeding.

Are there any safe game modes where you can experiment and contribute nothing to the match except psychology/mindgames?

Even the sabotage terminology is contradictory. And there isn’t even a tutorial that tells you how to play or what is expected as non-disruptive.

And the context we’re officially given in-game applies to mechanics that actively block a teammates movement.

Playing poorly is a much broader category from which you are officially shielded and protected from. If you can make the case for playing poorly (e.g. drunk, distracted, etc), you should be free to go unpenalized.

Play support role, you can call your dps players garbage, straight up run into the enemy team and try to 1v1 their tanks, no one is gonna report you for anything, tested and curated in 2019 November by BOMBZ and friends.


why are little girls on twitch?

No my friend is on twitch and had to stop streaming because of the racist/hate/suicidal friend request spam. His ttv is at risk because of unfixed in-game issues.

The 5 y.o. girl in question, playing the game under adult supervision is at risk from false reports because of their apparent sabotage (even though they are 500sr and are way too innocent to even begin thinking about how to ruin games).

I’m saying they should fix their in-game systems so streamers are safe, and get a better report system before they take accounts away from little girls. Priorities. Take money and ban seems like a bad business lawsuit.

Didn’t S. Korea make a law (or trying to) that makes it illegal to cheat in online games?

There’s a law against to manufacturer cheats or to provide account sharing/boosting services. I’m not too familiar with any laws for those who actually use the hacks.

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Yeah now that you say it that’s what I recall.

Also wth is with some of those names… looks like auto generated account names from bots. Weird.

First and foremost, lets not forget why these people are having action taken against them…naughty words.

It’s not like Wyoming put up a list of all the players who were banned for doing actual bad things like aimbots and wall hacks. No, this is the more serious issue of “sticks and stones”.

I have a solution for you, how about Blizzard actually work and figure out a way to implement a system where they can identify what the bad behavior they do not want, and stop that from happening. Instead, they blanket the phrase “disruptive behavior” and the colloquial “toxic behavior” with no clearly defined verbiage, leaving everyone to guess what the hell that means.

All I know, at the end of the day is, both Stalin and Mao would be giving Blizzard kudos for system that they have created. What good company to be in.

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Why don’t you do the same thing right now? Prove how simply that can be done.


I don’t have to, Blizzard already did with a few choice phrases. Those phrases change the text that everyone can see when they type the words that Blizzard has outlawed. Problem is, if Blizzard took a stance on what they thought was 100% wrong with no grey area, people would complain that new “woke” term was used and it hurt their fragile little feelings. They have to keep it abstract or suffer the wrath of the career offended.

I should have phrased it as ‘rework’ the automated report system.
There is of course some ‘automation’. This topic has come up in the past and I’m constantly reposting the pseudocode for them. You add actual logic and filters to rule out all the nonsense and you let people know at regular intervals why/how/many they are amassing reports so they can potentially correct and track their behaviour (if they’re even at all guilty).

Didn’t join voice or type anything at all? Reports ignored. Didn’t time-out from inactivity during the match + maintained a reasonable k/d (i.e. not feeding) = didn’t feed or fail to engage. Reports ignored. 4-Stack all filed reports against you? Count as 1 report. Playing arcade? Reports ignored. Etc.

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But do they acknowledge that minority groups, who are more likely to be targeted by ‘disruptive behaviour’ and therefore more likely to be ‘involved’ in such disputes, and therefore more likely to be punished?

Good riddance. Respect each other and compete with dignity.

Life’s too short to ruin everyone else’s.


What about using the features that were given to you in order to control who and what you listen to do you not understand? Accepting “toxicity” is taking abuse because YOU choose to do so, if you disable their comms then they cease to exist. Getting people silenced is just inexcusably stupid, because you sat there listening long enough to get offended by them over taking any responibility yourself and are just hoping the bots dole out justice - which creates an easily abuseable system for petty people.

Don’t like it, turn it off. Instead the precious feelings brigade just turns into a free speech lynch mob who thinks fascism should be held above expression.

You should watch the Black Mirror episode ‘White Christmas’


Which is EXACTLY what you are promoting, taking away other people’s abilities to interact with others - you missed the entire point of that episode lol.

You’re the one suggesting that just being able to ‘mute’ people solves the problem. :man_shrugging:

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I know they take these actions very seriously. Sometimes jail time for cheaters and boosters. But if their just getting accounts banned for bad behaviour, why are they posting names? Surly most of the people are just a bunch of nobody’s.

Also is it normal to ban in waves like this? Seems a bit weird to wait instead of just banning a player when they do the bad action.