So I have used tracer on occassion in the past but recently I have been using her more and more.
Any veterans of the blinky brit have some advance or in general tips? I am doing pretty well as I have figured out that I want to harass supports as much as I can.
Focus on supports during CQC fights. Tracer counters to widow and Ashe.
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Okay the simple rhythm for Tracer is shoot, reload while blinking, shoot.
Think of Pulse Bomb as a melee with a wind-up animation. Be that close.
In general you never want to be where your team and tank are. You generally want to be close enough so you can fall back to them for heals, but where they’re standing is where the enemy is looking and where the enemy is shooting - and nothing dies more easily to random spam than a Tracer.
So take an off-angle and harry them until they look at you - then leave and take another angle, or leave and return to the same angle as soon as they look away.
Into Mauga, Tracer is excellent. He has to turn and ignore your tank in order to peel for his supports, which Maugas don’t wanna’ do. 1v1, Tracer will win V a Mauga until he drops Cage Fight. Cage Fight is instant death to a Tracer, as a general rule.
One-clips are very doable. Line up your crosshairs before you pull the trigger, blink towards your target and hold down the trigger on their heads.
As you gain experience you’ll become better and better at duelling every other hero. 1v1, Tracer is an excellent duellist against almost every hero.
Also… and I’m gonna’ bold this - prioritize your life. You are not a value to your team when dead, and Tracer has exceptional survivability thanks to Blink and Recall - hence the lowest HP pool in the game. You can die very easily, yet killing you can be very hard.
Finally, have fun. Tracer’s fun personified.
As a brit who plays the blinky brit.
You really want to engage when people are low or antied and shoot people in the backs or take 1v1s.
Tracer is really good in 1v1s and assasinating and pesking from behind
Baiting cooldowns as Tracer such as Anti-nade can setup your team like doomfist to kill ana relateively easy
Oh and two more.
Don’t feel bad about missing Pulse bombs. Go watch pros and marvel at how often they whiff that ult - it’s hard to land!
To maximize the efficiency of your blinks over long distances, do this:
Blink, wait until your third blink cooldown is almost ready, and blink before the cooldown pops. If you blink after the cooldown comes up, you are wasting blink recharges. Every moment you spend at 3 blinks is time a blink could be recharging for you, so over long distances, always be charging your third blink.
There are times you don’t wanna’ blink, obviously - it’s loud, and gives your location away, and that’s death to a Tracer - but when travelling longer distances, any moment you’re sitting on 3 blinks is a moment you’re not charging a blink.
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Well first off, grab er’ bits and bobs, an shovel off. Put a spanner n’ a works, then leg it. The muckety mucks il be all six and sevens, after ya hit em’ in the buster browns. Easy innit!?
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But do I throw the ball between the wicket in hopes of sending bangwanger into the grand stand?
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Whatever tickles yer’ fancy.
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Over the course of the Overwatch League, we were absolutely blessed with countless amazing Tracer players. Watch footage of Striker, Profit, or Fleta and notice how they choose to engage.
Cooldown management, map knowledge, and raw mechanical skill are all equally important parts of her kit. The best way to learn is to just play up. Good luck.