New York Excelsior vs. Vancouver Titans - Stage 2 Semi-Finals - FINAL

please interview someone with an actual brain

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Final Score


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NYXL finishes in 3rd place and a $50,000 USD performance bonus. Vancouver Titans advances to the Stage 2 Finals.

i NEED the shock to go all out tomorrow

He’s on stage and you’re not so I guess his brain is much bigger than yours.

SF has looked pretty darn good…should be a good final…hell the last one was…dare we hope for another 7 game series??

Stage 1 final went Titans 4-3 Shock

Tomorrow? I think the reverse happens, BUT, it will be with one map draw in there. Shock to win 4-3 after 8

The longer they keep this up though, the more likely it’s going to be that they’re gonna get poached. Teams are gonna be offering all of their starting players very lucrative contracts in order to tempt them away from the Titans and it’ll only take 1 or 2 players to accept those contracts to break the strength of the Titans.

Lol, all good had that meme on stand by

im speaking in context here, smartass.

he played like a plat compared to the top reinhardts in the league today.

I love the idea of all these bandwagon fans who loved NYXL for how they were so dominant are now routing for a team on an actual losing streak.

Edit: Nevermind, I forgot they faced Philly Fusion, close to a losing streak.*

Stage 2 finals start 10am PST Sunday or 3 am Monday AEST (1AM AWST)

Well Ggs y’all. Time for some BBQ and Beer. Cheers :beers:

i was ‘against’ NYXL last season… now i was for NY because Titans are so strong that i support anyone that play against them :smiley:

sinatraa had better zarya stats LUL

yea, its time for bed :smiley:

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Alrighty, folks, it’s time for all of us to hit the sack…don’t forget that the Grand Finals kicks off at 1pm Eastern (10 am for those of us on the west coast), so make sure you set those alarm clocks.

Until I see you all tomorrow, PLEASE keep a body on the objective, so you can help control the outbreak of C9s. See you tomorrow for the Stage 1 Finals Rematch, good night!

That’s why he is undefeated

I’m going to play devil’s advocate here:

Shanghai absolutely could have taken a map off of Vancouver. They’re the only team that’s given San Francisco a tough match this stage, which they’ve done twice, and have earned the right to be considered either the same tier, or just below the tier that NYXL are on.

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Anyone else having trouble getting tokens?

For the last few days it hasnt been working properly.

Watched the entire last stream, got 3 tokens.

Watched all day today since it started- not a single token.