New York Excelsior vs. Vancouver Titans - Stage 2 Semi-Finals - FINAL

This is legitimately a great series. A perfect example of how GOATs can be really entertaining to watch, IMO.

Well we’ll see just how hard New York make it for them.

what a great match, jesus christ.
Hope NYXL wins this map at least so we keep watching it lol

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I’m sad that this is the first Slime pun I’ve seen today:

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if nyxl wins lijiang they still need to win the next 2 maps that the titans pick

this feels like contenders level
what changed?

Both teams got serious is what changed

:sob: NYXL… :sob:


mostly plat ult managements, and they win

yeah i welcome a new meta ty

think NY will be kicking themselves after for the very first map…it would be 3-2 right now

Valiant fight, NYXL. :wink:


San Fran Shock is our last hope.


That I feel is what Vancouver do so well. If they get hit by a Grav or Shatter, they just counter-ult so that there’s no follow up

Calm down, bud…I don’t need you to get sent on a forum vacation, too…

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at least there is an Commonwealth team in the finals.

they just have to interview the most carried kid on titans

BeCaUsE MeMeS aNd StOrYLiNes

gotta say…
if the Shock can not beat them tomorrow…I dont know who else can
Titans just too good

Damn, it official. Vancouver Titans are the best in OWL.