New York Excelsior vs. Boston Uprising - FINAL

These forums “herp derp! Goats is boring to watch! It can’t be beat!”

NYXL wins with killer Sombra plays.

Yes. Because that’s different. Every other game will be the same darn thing

That player must play Sombra correctly.

Well, it was a great game, GG NYXL. Sombra will have a major impact in this league at least at the start. I’m looking forward to seeing how teams use and deal with her.

So pissed, the only non stale stuff to show is Sombra and they don’t stick to her on general casting. I think I have to use the All Access trial…

And good on NYE for winning without goats.

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Final Score


WATCH LIVE: TwitchOverwatch LeagueMLGESPN3

Rein, Zarya,, Brig, Lucio, Zen to
Rein, Zarya, Sombra, Brig, Lucio, Zen

Wow the difference here is staggering. A total of 7 heroes is viable congrats.

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The third of the match is ready to discuss here:

nenne just said nyxl wont be doing all 3/3 the whole time so thats something to look forward to at least

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Same as every other meta man…hence the “meta”…just different names

Sombra pretty much counters every comp in coordinated play is the problem. “You can’t use abilities anymore” with a kit that can easily stealth around the map is just so oppressive in highly coordinated play. Especially on certain game modes like payload.

That was some fire Sombra play

Wow 50 enemies EMPd, I kept watch on his ult counter and at moments it would jump double digits in 1 sec. Amazing.


IKR that was insanely. He has only 3 death and 52 elim

Good match. When you have Jjonak on your team you can be a little brave and run a Sombra lol.

So do like TF2 and create a spy check hero. I really hope Sombra is not nerfed due to her performance on OWL, that would just make everything boring again.

I just meant that I hope Sombra isn’t the only solution to GOATs, because being able to disable all abilities being the only counter seems like it’ll get old pretty quick too. :bowing_man:

I want to see sick DPS plays, not Sombra ult followed by everyone elses ultimate to steam roll over and over, which was pretty much the last match there. It was good coordination, but not showing anyone really shining above everyone else in outplay.

so? he did great.

It truly was beautiful