New York Excelsior vs. Boston Uprising - FINAL

I expect they’ll just hand out some free tokens to everyone as compensation if they don’t show up.

No. They play the same freaking thing. I feel nothing seeing Jjonak on zen as everyone else is playing zen. It’s boring

Also seeing Carpe on Zarya was heartbreaking

In the past they have been able to compensate for the tokens owed to each player. Its just… annoying right now of course.

Me: “I love the new command center!”

Also Me: Just watches the main feed in it anyway


JJonak, leave some for the rest of the team.

I predict EMP gets nerfed soon.

In my defense, the individual POVs are using the english cast, and I want to give honor and glory to the brazilian casting team.

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Sombra oh my…

I hope not. It seems to be the one real check on GOATS.


My girl shining bright that round


Feels like they pulled that to show how uncounterable goats is… I do admire them for currently running Sombra.

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Meko is just farming

Like the only personality I see is mekO on Sombra. Like Jake on Junkrat during the Mercy meta

screw fusions im stanning meko

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Boston hasn’t had enough time to scrim against Sombra with Fusions.

Sombra is just played as a variant of goats replacing It has been played for awhile now. The other heroes are still must picks.

Just think, until a couple of days ago Fusions was the 3rd choice main tank for Boston

Those EMPs were insane.

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