New venture gameplay just dropped

Why are they so cute :pleading_face:


Is their ultimate just shatter? Anyway looks something that will be complained about until people get used to it. The invincibility while drilling is gonna make people screech. Or maybe it wont and they don’t care about immos unless it’s on a support hero. Who knows, can’t really tell anymore


It could be shatter without the stun component, don’t really know for sure, but we won’t have to wait long to find out, because they are doing a weekend playtest of them starting tomorrow.

As for the immo ability, it looks like you are locked into an animation before you actually drill down, you probably get a decent window to prevent them from digging. I don’t think it’s going to be any more broken then wraith form is

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Venture looks amazing!


wonder if there will be an origin short for lore. maybe that is it and from here on forward with new heroes (just one gameplay piece)

of course i would love a pixar animated segment short but i get the feeling we wont see those for a while again. sigh

The immo is basically Wraith form with a different animation.

Apparently they are making a short for venture (this is according to the flats/Aaron interview)

Probably something to do with them waking up the Anubis AI

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yea more lore would be awesome like why they are an archeologist and maybe hints of its nationality? was venture from canada? dont have a clue lol

Aww they’re too adorbs. :blush: :smiling_face:

An they dig holes to high heaven.

People are going to screech.

i saw the shatter ult thing but no knockback effect. looks like just straight damage w/o losing control of your hero. i hope its like that since imagine if knockback and cc lol

I think this was confirmed

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When a hero has invulnerability as a part of their kit you know to expect it every so often while fighting them. What people have a problem with is when you’re about to kill someone and then a kiriko who you had no way of telling was even there teleports in and makes them immortal

The most important question is, “Does Venture have a hiccup laugh?”

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i like how she took Rein’s shatter and made it better. powercreep!

I don’t think it’s better than shatter it doesn’t stun or knockback it’s just aoe damage

Finally Pharah doesn’t die.

She look fun. I always wanted a driller hero so i can drill.

I like it when she waves Hi to Mauga and she calls him doofus. They both are doofus.

I wonder what that Anubis is about. Is it a new map or something?.

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