New Update Downloading at 1KB/sec while I have a 40MB/sec connection

Yeah mine is at 0 but still downloading at around 10 MB/s

same thing, downloading very slowly since it reached 8GB x_x

Is it supposed to be 21 GB I have been playing recently so idk what’s happening

Same here, 15MB/s normal download speed, now it’s 800b/s

Sorry, yes you’re right it’s a 72 megabit connection. I should know better, given I’ve worked in IT for 30 years. :smiley:

Anyway, I spoke too soon. Getting 40B/s now.

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Ahahahaha, I was so confused like “wait he said I’m right but now he’s getting the 40” and I didn’t realize you literally meant 40 Bytes per second, no thousands or thousand thousands.

So sad. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

I believe that it’s just visual, I paused then started my download at ~11 MB/sec, but it decreases over time to 7 B/sec. The download still is at the same speed tho.


im downloading at 11mbs even tho my fiber cable got 100 mbs , but theres a motive , many people are downloading the update so they have alot of bandwith taken

whoops, you’re right. seems like there’s a bug somewhere

It says a low speed but if you watch the “remaining” progress you’ll see that it is going really, really fast. Some of you are reporting 56k speeds but have no idea how slow that actually is.

250mb/s internet here, half of the update went quickly, now it’s 2-3kb/s.
The servers seem to be dying.
it went to 200 bytes/s.

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The event would be over by the time they got the download finished if the speeds people report would be actually correct and not just a visual bug.

Mine is saying less than 1kb/s at times but it’s going faster than that.

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I’m now at 0 B/s but the bar is going up way faster than it was at 5KB/s…

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I have 300 MB/S Internet and it is downloading at only 2-3 KB/S.

Edit: 500 B/S. This must be a silly joke.


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Started my download and it decayed over the course of the download. Pausing and Unpausing seems to have somewhat reset it causing it to climb again for a bit but there’s not a lot to be done when everyone and their mother is downloading the update.

Mine says 0 B/s but is still downloading at an incredibly fast speed. Look at your progress bar.

It barely moved.

Edit: 20 B/S…


If my internet download speed goes to 0 B/s, then it’s not downloading at all. Lul

I’m having the same issue actually, when it got to around 7.5GB it dropped to 1kb/sec. It’s going super slow. Network usage is super low. Goes up way higher if I say, open up a youtube video. I also checked and my internet is working normally.