So I’m new to the game and I hear the forums are the place to talk about it. My first opinion is, I’m sort of happy it’s free to play because I’m rather unhappy with gameplay thus far. Second, I’m not sure I’d want to pay for over priced cosmetics. Third, this game is awfully balanced compared to most other PVP games I’ve played in the past. I cannot get all the hero’s right off the start but I get thrown into a “Quickplay” game with players way better than me. I cannot imagine how “Competitive” mode must be. How is anyone supposed to progressively get better if you can’t get into a game where you can slowly progress with players at your skill level? I’ve noticed lots of Tank and Healer or Support hero’s are very hard to kill compared to the Damage hero’s. I guess what I’m trying to say is if this game ended up costing money to play, I would try to get my money back because if you’re new to it, like I am, there really is no incentive to play with skins being a lot of money and the balance is unexceptional to new players. I understand you’ll need to play more to get better but if I was a younger kid, I’d probably stop playing. However, I’ll give it more time before I feel like it’s not worth the effort. Finally, the character development is top notch but the gameplay is far from it.
Just play the game and have fun! Play as many heroes as you can, they are all really fun if you know how to use them. The more heroes you know how to play the better equipped you are to deal with the enemy team, use whatever hero best suits the situation
General advice is to just play. People mostly come here to complain about the game anyway….and you’re going to know just as much as everybody else come Tuesday anyway as game is getting flipped on its head
Play something different if you want your mental health kept in order.
Run, far far away
Being serious though, play every hero in the practice range/Vs ai and learn what each one does watch some videos about your favourites and how to play them as this game is deceptively difficult and complex with many different variables to take into consideration, accept that you will lose… A lot and that is fine and all part of learning.
Don’t ask anyone on the forums for help because this is a toxic cesspit and you will just get insulted. the Reddit is probably better
(That last one is very important )
Whoever gave you that advice hates you.
OW is definitely not noob-friendly.
They got rid of the mode that could probably help newcomers, which is PvE.
So now you’re stuck with a PvP that has a bad matchmaker.
You can probably try Arcade, Custom games, or Vs. AI.
True. Damage heroes are not the best damage dealers, ironically.
The universe and the atmosphere are definitely good.
But as I said, try to play the side modes if you’re struggling.
The matchmaker is criticized, even by the veterans.
There will be a new MOBA-like, casual mode in season 16. Maybe wait for that.
Figure out which role best clicks with you and then learn 2-3 heroes within it. While you’re learning those heroes and their match ups, you’ll slowly begin to understand the rest of the heroes as you duel them and see what their abilities do.
That’ll help pique your interest in heroes in other roles and you’ll be able to more easily branch out.
This game has been out for years so over coming the initial hump will take some time. You’re going to take your licks and truly experience ‘growing pains’ lol… so like others are saying, just focus on having fun because that is what will keep you coming back and what will maintain your interest in learning.
The matchmaking can be inconsistent. (I’m putting it mildly.) There are games that will be terrible. There are games that will be the time of your life.
The mm should be better, but it is what it is.
Troll post, grab your pitchforks, mates!
I played against the AI exclusively for probably the first three months of the game. It’s pretty noob-friendly.
My advice is to run as far and fast away from this game as you can. You will become bitter and angry and likely break things. It’s not worth the headache.
Are you serious? This game is that bad or that competitive that you would break things? Why on Earth would people play if they aren’t actually enjoying it? I appreciate your sincerity btw.
Play Marvel Rivals. The new Perks come to Overwatch I think on Feb 20. Don’t play on that day. The game will be filled with Try hards, and smurfs.
New perks? What do you mean, if you don’t mind me asking?
Before playing quick play, familiarize yourself with the heroes on practice vs AI.
Watch hero guides on YouTube so you can keep on learning.
run, you are on time, dont try this game will only dissapoint you
you have the abilities of every hero and now in every mode, quickplay and ranked you can level up your character on the middle of the match and can pick two of 4 new abilities, sounds too complicated for a new player, even for me a vetaran i think is overkill, you have a lot of passives with a lot of numbers and you will not get what anything means
Turn back…before its too late…before you end up…like us…
(8000hrs i should have started a business with, instead im getting yelled at by 13 yr olds)
Some basic advice,
Find your main in a given role, then fine like that one hero that plays around their counters. Even if it’s just a neutral matchup
For example I really like Mei, I also play Sombra and Pharah. In the scenario I’m being road blocked by barrier or getting hard focused.
Then their is general FPS stuff, if on PC get a big mouse pad as large as your arm can swing. And set it to low sensitivity.
On controller it’s a little more complicated, there is a dual zone set up which is generally recommended. basically more precise movements in the center circle, larger movements on the outer end of the joy stick motion. Play around with it to you find a nice balance between the two were you can reliably land shots, and quickly turn around “important”
You won’t have issues aiming.
Also in the settings their is Audio mixing setting under options → Sound → Device → Audio mix, make sure it’s set to style of device for proper sound quality. As if it’s not set correctly things like foots steps and ability sound ques will be to loud or quiet.
So a few things here, QP has veeeeery lose Match making (MM for short). In comp your probably have a better time as you will be put into the lower ranks were the gameplay is a bit slower.
keep in mind tho, you will still have to learn character matchups and the like on the fly. Your not going to get the single player guided experience, where things are tossed at you in a way to slowly teach you how to play.
Their isn’t away to make that smooth in this kind of game, without hours of tutorials no one wants to watch.
Be it you do have the ability to watch games back by clicking your Profile picture in the top right, and go to history. Were your last few games are recorded.
So you can learn all you want about the how’s and why’s certian things happen.
And most importantly, just have fun my guy! if the game is frustrating by any means just take a break it’s not big deal.
Leave while you can. Don’t start playing else you will suffer like the rest of us.