New Teaser from Blizz Middle East!

We can only hope in what OW2 will bring. It better live up to all the hype.

Overwatch has no confirmed year but it is about 2070 from the information we’ve been given, but that doesnt matter because the dates are that of when the twitter put it out not in the tweet itself

Hoping lore wise we can just blame Tracer for the messed up dates.

Either a mini event or OW2 teasers to deal with valorant

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there are no messed up dates, or im missing a joke

Talking about broken timeline stuff

I see what you’re talking about now I thought the way he laid it out it was the date of the tweets considering the dates they put in the text match the dates of the tweets but this could be hinting at some time travel stuff maybe the slipstream scientist that caused the tracer incident

Be cool if it was Cairo map that fan created that looked like a real overwatch map.

I remember JEFF saying to the creator we will be in touch


With all that valorant talk i think they got a lil scared of the competition and trying to build some hype. Their popular streamers are jumping on the other greener side of the fence.

Im pretty sure that if valorant isnt a thing we will still be in the dark lore wise or event wise.

I’m pretty sure these teasers are just for a Middle Eastern Overwatch server/support. Hence why it’s coming from that Twitter acc and now Ana is the one saying “one day away” ?

Hm could be

Could end up with some fun maps if they go this direction.

Like imagine playing on another planet.

Which was like a mix of New York, Hawaii and something Star Trek.

Then imagine playing in Dark Ages.

During the Hundred Years’ War.

Considering they don’t need to put the date tweeted in the tweet body or at least not have it smack between Mission and Location I think they are probably non-cannon fodder with old assets.

I thought it was 2070ish, but I wasn’t 100% sure I had Rein’s age right.

Sounds like teasers for Middle East servers and Echo… which is nice I guess

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By reading this in Arabic which is my language

i can say it’s New map coming soon probably gonna be in Morocco or Dubai

Would like more information anyway

See, It’s not just Americans who are dumb! /s

At least you learned. American educaton is terrible.

Anything new yet?..

I assume something at this point

Nothing new…maybe the reveal comes later today?

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Hmm… The other teasers were released at 2pm (in the UK) but there has not been one today.

Maybe we will get one today at echo’s release?

Teaser is a weird term for something that comes after the announcement…I’m not sure what it should be called though