Well another 3-5 months with another busted DPS Tank
Pretty sure we are gonna see a bunch of posts this weekend stating that a loss is guaranteed unless he is on your team.
Just go Ana and everything will be okay. Oh, wait, she is in every game already? Wow! Crisis averted. Close call…
no he isn’t lol one ana on team or the team focus fires you he melts like crazy. bro even his ult can be assisted and you can get jumped by people in that even tho its a cage fight type ult everyone can just come on in and have some fun and you can’t leave so if your getting jumped better pray they don’t have a ana or you have a kiriko
Great … Now Ana is mandatory … Blizzard finally did it… They FORCED their Ana on everyone.
controls dont feel too bad. (9/10)
abilities feel decent (7/10)
Ultimate (4/10).
Autovoiceline spamming (0/10).
I would say they need to give him a Tuxedo like doomfist and this will be a pretty good skin for this character. He’d look like an awesome bar bouncer with a tuxedo.
You’re gonna be seeing some buffs for him
He’s not good
Ana has a 90% pickrate anyway… “forcing her” is kind of a hard word… I would say “forcing her EVEN MORE”.
Guys… I will repeat it until it happens: we need stronger Ana nerfs or a rework for her abilities. They have no place in 5v5 how they are now.
No he’s not, he’s actually easily to counter.
Either your not playing the right hero’s against him or you got diffed once & decide to post about it.
Y’all were just complaining Supports were OP and now you’re upset a tank might be?
He didn’t feel overbearing playing against him on DPS or support tbh.
The only thing that I’m not a fan of is that ult. I’m tired of, “we’re anchoring you here” ultimates. Zarya’s was enough, Sigma’s, okay sure let’s add a second. Now it’s a 3rd. :\
He would just look like Maui in a Tux
How is he busted?
Ana makes him irrelevant BY HERSELF.
He only gets overhealth from his passive or healing from his cooldown ability on crit damage. Which means headshots or burning victims.
Which means Kiriko negates his principle source of both with Suzu.
Run Ana/Kiri against him and he’s free ult charge.
MauWEE is the size of a literal fridge tank baby.
Use a shotgun…
Looking at his kit he weirdly tanks busts while enabling tank busters like reaper sym and bastion
Utterly broken, this guy had 45 kills and 17000 damage in one of my games - total overbuffed nonsense
Yeah I just played with a bastion into him and the guy swapped immediately. Feels bad.
lmao he is weak as hell
Anyone saying that he’s busted has either not played him themselves or was in a match where the players were oblivious to his weaknesses.
I had a great match with him, but that was because I figured out a great flow with him. You can’t just charge into the enemy and rack up kills, you can’t even ult multiple enemies and think it’s an insta-win neither.
Did you have an Ana on your team?