New System for Comp SR

Several of my friends and I were complaining about Comp play and SR. Many players are frustrated with solo queue, and asking players to join a group is not really an acceptable/realistic solution.

Basically it can seem like you are expected to carry your team in order to (consistently) level up in Comp play. When you lose several matches in a row, you are then placed with lower and lower ranked players in subsequent matches. As the players are progressively worse at the lower ranks, it becomes harder and harder to win matches and level up. Many of us have been there, and there are many threads discussing this.

Example; My friend was Lucio in comp play yesterday, got Gold Elims, Gold Obj Elims, Gold Obj Time and Gold Healing – and POTG at the end. They lost. His rank went down. It was the best performance of his Overwatch career and he lost rank over it. Something seems horribly wrong when you can have your career best game and then be punished for it. I felt like he had done his part - was on point, grouped up, fighting hard - but no matter how well he played, he was ranked based on the gameplay of his TEAMMATES - not based on your own skill or effort.

Your SR should not be dictated by the poor gameplay of other ppl - and likewise your score should not be artificially increased when you are carried or boosted by superior (higher level) players.

We think we have a good solution.
Base players SR on their individual performance.

  1. If you are the top scoring support out of the four support players, your SR goes up, even in a losing match.
  2. If you are the top scoring DPS out of the four DPS players, your SR goes up, even in a loss.
  3. If you are the top scoring tank, same.

If, on the other hand, you are one of those players who is carried (boosted) by your team, but your individual performance sucks, your SR will go down - even in a winning match.

You are rewarded on your actual performance, not on your unreliable teammates. This way you can actually climb ranks based on YOUR performance and won’t be expected to carry your team in order to level up.

Similarly, poor gameplay - even when on a winning team - will cause you to drop in rank, and be forced to play with people of your caliber. Poor gameplay won’t simply be rewarded by being on a good team.

In the end this would allow truly good players to level up, while the truly poor players to drop in rank and play with others at their real skill level.

Nobody should have the best performance of their career (better than all other players of that role in the game) and have their rank go down. Hard work and good gameplay should be rewarded. Poor gameplay should be ranked accordingly.

That is how we envision a more accurate SR system.

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Everywhere below diamond already has performance based sr.

Why does it stop at diamond? No clue.

I’m sure it would be a surprise to you but the SR system already does judge you based on your performance. You are in the rank you are in because that is as good as you play, not because your teammates are always holding you down.

The current SR system is very accurate. People just don’t like it because it tells them a truth that they don’t want to believe.

This is not a new topic. Statistical performance currently acts as a modifier on SR gains/losses below 3000. See How Competitive Matchmaking and Rating Works (Season 18) → Performance Modifier and references for details.

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What I have wished Blizzard would do for a while now is make the system similar to Paladins SR system. I had very bad placements with a LOT of throwers and trolls. I ranked Bronze 2. 3 games later it moved me to silver 1 based on performance. I went up to plat in about 10 games total and stayed there.

IF OW used actual skill based rating and compensated for that, it would get rid of a lot of Smurfs and fix people getting bad placements. Poor skill is has a greater loss in SR after each loss of a game. After the initial “Defeated” bug I gave up on OW comp all together and only play comp in other games lie a certain space based shooter that used to be in the blizzard launcher.

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lol, this is such utter BS on so many levels it’s laughable.

So if my team pushes up against the enemy spawn door at the beginning of a match, causing us to all die, that’s somehow my fault and accurate to my level? (Guys, we shouldn’t push up against spawn like this, etc) Nope.

If my team keeps feeding, even after suggesting we group up in VC and with with voice lines, that’s somehow reflective of MY skill level? Nope.

If my teammates are being hard countered and won’t switch - that is somehow accurately reflecting MY skill level? Nope.

When our Leroy Jenkins Rein keeps freaking charging out without support and won’t even wait for the team to group up – that tank dying over and over is somehow reflective of MY skill level? Nope.

Our team comp, which doesn’t match up well against an enemy team comp – is somehow my fault alone? (like it’s all up to me and I can carry the entire team as 1 player?) Nope.

Crappy teams = crappy SR. Good teams = good SR. There are many good players and many bad players. It’s random on who you are queued with.

So many examples of how your TEAMS skills impact YOUR score. Nobody can play all roles at once – and yes, your team DEFINITELY has an impact on your personal SR.

Anyone who says that it’s not is simply confused about how things really work.