New Symmetera is a Massive Nerf

The issue isn’t the mechanical skill.
It is the reward per the damage output is actually terrible compared to other heroes.

If you compare it to other heroes a good hero to compare it to is tracer. In order to do a 130 damage you need as perfect tracking as a Tracer who can 1 clip.

Yet what tracer can do in 2s with the same level of accuracy you will only be doing 130 damage. On top of which you don’t have the mobility of tracer.

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You do not even know what the mechanical requirements ARE yet. You are assuming that you need pinpoint accuracy when in fact you are failing to consider several key points.

  1. It may be much larger then zarya’s beam.

  2. It may have a longer reach then zarya’s beam

  3. its going to feed off huge targets like Rein’s barrier which is IMPOSSIBLE to miss.

You are not alone in a brawl, the fact is you can easily get ganked because she has low health and no mobility.

All it takes to kill her is to be focused for half a second. Doesn’t matter how many people you are with.

She has no escape mechanism or health to deal with it, like every other short range character.

Doesn’t matter if you play him, if you don’t understand him.
He survives because he pressures the enemy with hitscan. It is obvious you are not going to go barreling straightforward at an enemy who is constantly shooting at you without some sort of shield.

Which is the key difference the hitscan and range. McCree can keep pressure on the enemy with his gun, and as a last result he can roll away into cover. Or if they get close he fan flashbang. He has tons of tools at his disposal.

Symmetera at best can keep enemy at bay with her M2, but the second she gets pressured she is dead unless her weapon is already charged. Same reason why Zenyatta can easily fend for him self at range, but suffers greatly when enemy gets near him.

Wrong. He will die if focused down if he is in the open. Any character can die in the open. Which is why I said payload specifically. As long as he can use an object as cover and kite around it, he can keep surviving with armor and his ultimate.

If they removed his discord no one would pick him, that is just a plain fact. His utility and damage at range makes him a great pick. If he ever lost Discord it is 100% garunteed he will be F tier overnight.

Therse simply too many other factors to consider, to say if its bad or not.

We dont know the range of it, how her other abilities work in conjunction with it (e.g if they provide extra damage), how other heroes work in conjunction with it, how her alt fire works with it.

You’re comparing to a Tracer, who has a completely different role to her. Tracer is a flanker with the lowest HP in the game (except Zen if were being technical). Its like comparing Orisa with Winston.

Youre being over dramatic, like every other person when they hear a hero change.

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I said specifically tracers accuracy.
You need to be able to track enemy heroes in roughly the same range with the same accuracy as a Tracer who is capable of 1 clipping a 200 hp hero.

Only if you have that good accuracy will you be able to do the full 65 damage in 1s, otherwise you will be doing signficantly less than advertised.

But, as has been brought up multiple times now, you don’t know if they’re adjusting the range or not. So drawing parallels is pointless.

Because tanks cannot peel for you ever right? Because other DPS cannot follow up with CC’s or damage right? Because being with your team does not mean you are near a healer at all right?

Which is the same principal you can apply to new sym! Thanks for making my point. You are not going to go barreling toward a 130 damage burst without cover. Which means she will provide herself with pressure to keep herself alive. Game, set, match.

ONCE AGAIN, why can sym not use cover? Why is she never with her team in your scenario’s? Why can she not kite around the objective or use obstructions but all the other hero’s can?

Because she can and you are painting best scenario for everyone else and worst for her.

But they are not and he won’t be so that point is moot. Sym is currently F-tier because she lacks utility for her team. Do you honestly think that being able to offer a shadowstep for her entire team is not utility for her team? She is going to rise in viability. Not lessen.

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Because of the aim requirements, it’ll be very difficult to keep ramping the beam up against mobile heroes when you’re in a team fight, such as contesting payload where enemies juke in and out of cover. Flankers are going to have easy time shutting down symmetra when she used to be able to deal with genji somewhat unless the genji was really good dealing burst damage.

Forget about ramping damage versus a tracer who will remain as her worst opponent and can easily shut down symm and making her unviable at high levels, now you don’t even have a minor chance of barriering with photon barrier or blocking that pulse bomb nor any shielding to beef up so tracer takes 1 second more to nuke you and it becomes a war of snipe whether you can orb the tracer to force a retreat.

Now you can forget about the rampup… unless you feed on tanks. The whole symmetra rework is to basically make tanks even more unviable, while making her even more susceptible against all the power creeped, hypermobile dps. She doesn’t even have photon barrier to defend against any ranged class anymore and it’s going to suck bigtime. That is, unless she ultimates and gives a big middle finger to enemy ana and widow lol, but that’s about it.

“We care about all our heroes equally :joy::joy::joy:

Symmetra health should be buffed to 275.

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You have to keep in mind that she’ll still bring tons of utility to her team with Teleporter, Photon Barrier and her turrets.

She will be a hybrid DPS-support, like Moira, but more DPS-orientated.

Well one thing I would say about Sym v. Pharah, is that now Sym can shoot turrets far higher up vertically on maps to defend against and even counter Pharah (and those turrets are stronger and more durable too). It’s almost like Sym has been given a Junkrat Trap that can be stuck anywhere but that can be combined for even more oppressive power.

As for no mobility, Sym can now put teleporters at will, which is kinda like giving herself and everyone on her team Reaper’s Shadow Step. If she needs to do a quick escape, so long as she’s got good positioning she can teleport to cover and throw up some turrets to protect herself.

Also, I wouldn’t think of Sym’s new dps according to her beam alone, as she’d probably now be using it in conjunction with her much stronger/durable turrets. She also shoots out aoe explosive energy balls as well. She will also likely be running/coordinating with her teammates more often now thanks to the play/positioning versatility that her teleporters will provide.

She can headshot with only one type of fire, whilst Sym cannot, because of her beam, but has 2 alt fire.
Also I, personally dont know the range of Syms new beam, (Idk if anyone even does) so this all just HUGE speculation. Capable of 1 clipping, doesnt mean anyone can do it. Its something that hardly happens much.

same, it’s a nerf to those who can’t aim or track but i bet you anything more people will actually start playing the hero

As a Genji main, I stay out of range, flank to remove turrets if for some strange reason my team doesn’t immediately take care of it, and chip her from distance. I save my dash to get out of range if needed. Once she’s down about 50 health, I can dash in and take her out unless she has team support.

Dying to Sym is entirely the Genji’s fault for getting too close or otherwise playing poorly. She can punish over-commitment towards her or her team. That’s about it.

Now mind you, Genji has a fair few hard counters now and is starting to become a lackluster pick even before the PTR changes come out. (At least new deflect doesn’t ruin him now, but I think they went overboard due to hyperbole :/)

This just doesn’t have anything to do with Sym.

Posts like this is exactly why they don’t like sharing their progress on WORK AND PROGRESS reworks.

I don’t think you understand what survivability means. She has no way to prevent herself from taking damage when using her PRIMARY weapon, which if you think they’re going to make it long ranged with more damage then you haven’t been listening to all the complaints about her already 2nd shortest range in the game.

Her other abilities would be usable from safety but her primary weapon would remain utterly useless, which is a problem even if the rest of her kit is viable.

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You do realize because they are a projectile you can just go around them right? Kite to the left, shoots, let it pass, kite to the right, let it pass. Like I said, you really never think your arguments through. That is why you always end up losing every argument.

I don’t know what game you play, but it is apparent it is not overwatch. You are thinking only of very specific points on payload maps where two teams are staring right down each other at a barrel.

That is only 10% of the game. Doesn’t matter if a tank “Peels” for you. Symmetera is an easy squishy pick off. They are not going to chase the tank they are going to kill the squishy that has a high potential of doing extreme damage.

In overwatch the 2 most critical units are gonig to be

  1. Supports
  2. High damage DPS

That is why OWL you try and kill the enemy Widow as early as possible and the supports as early as possible. Symmetera is going to end up a high value target and unlike Widow, she doesn’t have a infinite range hitscan weapon with grapple.

It is moot because it destroys you entire argument, though to be real for a second. You never had an argument. You had a poor attempt of trying to correlate 2 irrelevant things.

His High Meta pick rate and Survabilility.
The ACTUAL question is can Zenyatta survive without mobility? The answer is no.
He dies often and repeatedly and anytime he is focused he is dead.

His Meta pickrates have literally nothign to do with how survivible he is, it was because of his ability.

Why does this single question and destroy your entire argument?

Does OWL Zenyatta players stay with his team? yes
Does he still die? yes
Does it matter tanks “Peel for him”? - no
Does he die without mobility? Yes
Why are you always so wrong? - No one knows.

Keep in mind I am not talking about some random events you make up.
I am talking about the best OW players in the world and hard evidence of that fact. There is literally nothing you can argue with hard facts from actual games.

Like I said bro, really don’t think any of your arguments through. Like ever.

You do realize it is going to moving at 30m a second right? Just as fast as Pharah’s rockets. You really need to consider your arguments. That is why you think you are winning arguments. You leave out important factors in order to make it sound weak when it is not. Selective memory you have.

Nope, being alone does not mean not standing on top of a teammate. Being alone means no one is in range to assist you. You can do a spread comp and not be alone. Learn the difference.

So how is McCree and Zen getting value if this is the case? You have ineffectively attempted to dodge the fact that other hero’s with equal lack of mobility and the same healthpool, and no means of self heal or damage mitigation but provide utility (just like sym will with the rework) or fire power (just like sym will with the rework) are doing fine.

Because the reason zen is for his utility. Regardless of his survival rate right? You yourself said it is because of his discord and harmony orbs correct? If that is the case with the new sym offering UTILITY with her kit can only mean her viability can only go up.

But sure ignore that in live in this fanstasy world where all other 200hp hero’s that lack the same things you claim will destroy her if she does not have are fine but some how will make her weak.

Yikes. Sym is my 4th most played… I’m really not liking the sound of these changes