New Sword Hero Teaser?

At the end of the Season 12 Official Trailer, there’s a brief scene on Watchpoint Antartica, where a large Mythic-looking sword cuts down into the icy ground with Juno in the background saying “What was that?!”. From the pattern of hero releases, I think its pretty safe this new hero will be a Tank.

Who will be this new sword-wielding hero? Any ideas who it could be?

Nah, its shield hero racoon warrior girl. Also play warcraft

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you have probably never played World of Warcraft :sweat_smile:(another blizzard game). that’s frostmourne, the lich king’s sword in WoW, which became epic especially for the adventures of Warcraft 3.

it’s highly likely that it’s the teaser for a new “”“collab”“” (i doubt it can be called that, it’s a blizzard game, right?) with world of warcraft. that sword? it’s not hard to imagine who the character is who puts his weapon on the ground between the emotes, right? Reinhardt.


I have heard of Warcraft but Im not really familiar with the characters. Although, that sword really does look familiar now!

A collab/crossover? Thats pretty cool! If the skin really is for Reinhardt, that will make for an interesting mash-up of sword and hammer.

Yup, it’s a teaser for the next round of Blizzard “crossover” skins

Immortal Orisa, Blackhand Doomfist, Illidan Genji, that sorta thing.

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