New support Idea

What do you guys think of a support that breaks CC’s? Like it’d be the anti hero. I think a lot of us think CC’s are a little out of control and this would help with that. I know there’s heroes that can block cc’s but this hero would actively remove them.

So I was think this ability should be on a cooldown, obviously. Like we can’t have this hero removing all CC’s so maybe like a 15 or 16 second Cooldown . I think with that about half of one hero’s CC’s would still get through. I think the animation for it should be like a single shot pistol. Maybe a lock on like zen or brig.

They also have to heal, so what do you guys think of a splash damage heal? Like a hand held double barreled cannon that fires a little slower than Reaper’s shotguns and needs a reload, but the fire goes in an arc and when it hits the ground it heals like an explosive in reverse. Closest gets the most healing but the further away you are the healing power dissipates. Healing fire wouldn’t have the same range as junkrat so they’re still close enough to the group.

I feel like this hero would be an outside the pack keeping watch like ana but maybe more mobile because they aren’t a sniper and more mid range.

As for their Ult, I’m not sure. Maybe something that specifically cancels others Ults either by like deleting it or deleting one enemies ult charge or multiple in LOS like mcrees high noon. IDK I can’t think of anything good or exciting for this so let me know if you have any ideas.

Basically, my idea is they would counter a solo CC heavy character without being so oppressive that they make them unplayable. However, a well timed cleanse could get your Hammond out of hack or you Rein unfrozen or your Bastion unnaptimes.

Really, reading this over it sounds like I described a healing pirate so yeah it’s a healing pirate.

Anyways, what do you guys think?

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I think I like the idea! Just…don’t…know what CC’s means.

crowd control like hack, sleep dart, freeze. that kind out stuff

Awe! I get it! Yeah, I think your idea is totally cool! Do you have drawings?

no i literally just thought of it as i typed lol

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Cool! Good hero idea to come up with on a whim.

ty I would draw something up but I’m not much of an artist

Maybe you need to find one, tell them your idea and come up with some concepts.

maybe sticking with the pirate theme they could have a cutless or some other sword for dps. close range weapon you’d have to switch too like mercy or torb just to fight off any attackers close range

Seems reasonable…

I think the main problem with this idea is that most CC (that can’t be broken already by other heroes) are very short (like stuns take only up to a second), so a hero that actively breaks CC would require some ridiculous reaction time.

Oh, and it’s probably better to not give such things to new supports or tanks because it would likely only reinforce GOATS-like comps in the future.

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What’s a GOATS-like comp?

Good point. I was thinking it be a niche healer. Like not really high healing output but great for oppressive CC’s. You definitely have a point though.

A comp consisting of only tanks and supports, usually 3-3.

Okay! Thanks.

Sorry, I’m new to the forums.

Then it might work out better, yeah. But ever since GOATS emerged in the main game (you could see it happening eventually by just playing Mystery Heroes), I’m just cautious about new tank and support ideas. :sweat_smile:

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Thank you so much! Some of these I knew some I didn’t! Thanks!

hey, I get that. I just thought it was a niche that could be filled and figured I would put it out there lol

You’re welcome.

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