New Support Hero Concept

New Support Hero Concept: Xavier

Primary Fire:

Frequency Tether-

  • Single tether Connection
  • Tether connection range is 20m
  • Not a lock on, you have to be looking at your ally to heal them
  • 50 healing per second to tethered ally (in this hypothetical Mercy is back to 60 HPS)
  • 10% damage reduction to tethered target
  • Allies within 5 meters of the tethered target gain 20 healing per second
  • 20% of the healing done with Frequency Tether is given back to Xavier’s own health pool

Alternate Fire:

Frequency Distribution-

  • Sends a group of airborne healing radio waves
  • Up to three allies in a cone of Xavier’s reticle get the heal
  • If there are more than three targets in the cone, the heal will automatically go to the three lowest HP targets
  • Each target hit gains 100 healing
  • Radio waves have a movement speed of 30m per second
  • 6 second cooldown

Ex. If you’re behind your team pushing with a Reinhardt barrier you can send this and the three most at risk targets will be tied over until you can tether to them personally.

Ability 1:


  • Single target ability
  • The ally that the cleanse is given to completely resists de-buffs, stuns, headshots, or any form of CC
  • Lasts for 4 seconds
  • 12 second cooldown

Ex. If you cleanse your Roadhog and an enemy Ana attempts to sleep or bio nade him, it will have no effect.

Ability 2:

Momentum toss-

  • Launch’s/throws Xavier in the direction he’s looking to
  • 4 second cooldown
  • Can be done vertically and horizontally
  • Distance traveled is 12m
  • Movement speed of 40m per second

Ex. Similar to Brigette’s super jump but has the ability to jump vertically as well.

Ultimate Ability:


  • Projects a large “bubble” like area (blue for friendly/red for enemy)
  • All Allies in Bliss have the “cleanse” effect (immune to CC, De-buffs, and headshots)
  • All allies in Bliss gain 30 healing per second
  • Bliss is immobile, wherever Xavier presses the ultimate bound button will be the centre of Bliss
  • Lasts for 8 seconds

Ex. If Xavier deploys Bliss on the second point of Hanamura and an enemy Reinhardt attempts to Earthshatter, it will have no effect on any teammates in Bliss.

Passive Ability:


  • Allies within line of sight and in 30m (including Xavier) are 25% resistant to stuns (knockback isn’t affected) meaning the stun duration is 40% shorter.

Ex. If an enemy Brigette shield bashes your Zenyatta while you’re in the backline with him, the stun will last 0.6 seconds rather than 1 full second.

(this was made just for fun, if you see this idea that doesn’t affect the game whatsoever as overpowered I am so so so genuinely sorry) :blush:


this seems pretty good actually

Sounds cool, but you were right, this hero would be extremely overpowered.

I’d be interested about their movement and if they got an attack of some sort.

This is a really good idea!

I think the passive stun resistance would have to be 30%, as 40% might be to too powerful combined with Cleanse and Bliss.

The cooldown of momentum toss might have to be slightly higher, such as 5 or 6 seconds.

I am correct to think Frequency Tether would work similar to Moira’s damage beam? If it works like Mercy’s beams it would be very overpowered.

Thanks for the feedback! And you are correct, there is no lock on to Frequency Tether, so it does work similar to Moira’s damage beam; I should have been more specific. Looking at it now Resist does seem a bit too strong at 40% (especially for a passive) I think having it at 25% or 30% would be a lot healthier for the game.

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I love reading people hero concepts!
This guy does actually sound pretty fun, I can kind of imagine how he looks in my head and its pretty dang cool.
I like how you incorperated the things the game really needs (like cleanse) too

I remember before Moira came out I was talking to my mum about a hero concept I came up with, a healer that sucks the life from the enemy, puts in into a pack on her back and then heals her team with it… I was psyched when Moira came out haha

This is a very interesting idea, and I think it’s awesome! With a little less healing and maybe no passive, I think this would actually be pretty balanced. It would also help deal with Zarya’s ult and all of the other CC.

Thank you so much! And the healing for his primary fire or his alternate fire? I am genuinely curious and I’d love to know why. I made Frequency Tether sound a lot like a lock on (similar to Mercy’s Caduceus Staff) but it works much more like Moira’s Damage Beam. Also Resist (his passive) only affects stuns, knockback won’t be affected. So his passive only works on abilty’s like Shield Bash, Flashbang, etc. if that’s why you thought it was overpowered (I also changed it to 25% because I realized how ridiculous 40% was)

Hmm… After re-reading it, maybe it would be balanced. I’m honestly not sure; I’d love to be able to see it in action! Just saw ur slight passive change :+1:

Basically winston’s bubble?

If it doesnt require aim its low skill hero.

It is quite a bit bigger than Winston’s barrier and doesn’t stop any projectiles. The interactions are very different too, graviton has no effect to players in Bliss. If an enemy Reinhardt were to Earth Shatter inside a Winston’s barrier it would hit all the players inside, where aslong as you are in Bliss you are completely immune to anything that makes you lose control of your character (think Orisa Fortify for your whole team). The blue bubble only represents the are where bliss is.

I see, it’d be a bit odd to have a visual representation of a barrier but it not actually being one lol, I’m pretty sure you can come up with something a bit more creative than a dome xP

I never said he was supposed to be a high skill hero and he does require aim to heal his allies. Also the idea that no aim means so skill is very debatable, pure supports like these have a whole new set of mechanics you need to learn. For example having to avoid flankers without being able to fight back while balancing your cooldowns to keep you allies up can be a lot to deal with.

I like it! Seems like a fun, good addition to the support group

Good point, I’ll think of a new visual effect.

I just made a hero concept for a Shield giving support/tank with ideas for lore and abilities. I’ll link it below if anyone wants to read it: