New Sombra in a nutshell

Ghost your enemies by spamming voicelines and throwing down sprays while invisible?

The enemy team will push on their terms, not your team’s. What the heck are you on about?

The Sombra changes encourage a much more passive playstyle, which only make her a less justifiable DPS pick. She needed more presence, not less.

Big LOL. Play Sombra sometime, please. At 75% speed you don’t need to go more than 7 seconds. Her trips are short and TPs out of trouble before she dies. Heal-up, do it again.
Tele for movement works if you’re far from the action. If you do it too close you’re playing the cool-down game. Better to walk that last bit than end up dead from some flanker.

But according to all Sombra mains, she can’t kill anyone because she does such little damage.

You can’t get a kill unless you are in position.
Longer time to set up allows for this to be consistent.

It scares me how people think +75% speed for 5 seconds made her faster than infinite +50%.

Because you’re not typically using Stealth for more than 6 seconds anyway (see many requests to shorten the delay after cancelling it, should be a red flag that longer duration wasn’t needed), and TL is a big part of getting around anyway.

No they didn’t :slight_smile: And yes i’m suffering HUGE frame drops especially on Xbox when using hack.

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Tell me something I don’t know. I get more kills with her now than I could before because I’m not so pressured into picking a target due to invis about to drop.

My point is, Sombra mains say all these changes are a nerf to her and they are also demanding her damage be increased. They are preaching that she’s complete trash now.

If you truly believe that, then you shouldn’t mind her getting her 75% back.

Or for that matter. How about also making her base speed the same as the other flankers, it’s only 0.5m/s more. I’m sure it’ll hardly make a difference.

Someone did a side-by-side video and her new speed will cover more ground that 2 of her old invis speeds could used back to back.

It scares me how people can think that widow headshot instant death is more valuable than unending tickle of Sombras low damage.

Oh, wait…

Mind posting it? Because this is how she covered ground before.

She had a 75% speed boost?
Say she move 1 meter each second.
75% of 100cm is 75cm.
She would have it up for 6 seconds.
So she would move 175 x 6 = 1050
Then she would have a 6 seconds cooldown.
And then she would move another 1050.
18 seconds and 21 meters.

Now she moves 50% faster.
So she moves 150 per second.
That gives you 150 x 18 = 2700.
18 seconds and 27 meters.

Yeah but you don’t need more than 6 seconds if you’re decent.

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Based on most streamers who play her, they seem to get kills way more consistent now than before.

Have you seen the video? Those are a few examples of the furthest travels she usually has to do. And the last one is how it affects her in the short range.

You know, it’s cool if Sombra is a more consistent than before. I think it’s too early to tell though. My opinion on that matter is that Heroes shouldn’t be updated like they did for Sombra, I don’t have as much fun as before because I lost that “flow” that Sombra had before.

She may be a little better, some think she’s nerfed overall. What I do know is that she’s much more boring than before, at least to me. Waiting is not fun, designing a hero towards “waiting for the perfect opportunity” isn’t fun. Every hero should have a proactive approach to make plays, rather than wait for them.

Flow or Rhythm, it’s the same thing i guess. If only someone that had her rhythm was the one that was in charge of balancing her.

I’m grinding her right now. Hopefully i’ll find her rhythm again in 20 hours or so. There’s really no getting around her being slower now tho.

Sombra, kill Mercy?

The spread on her gun is that awful that when I pointblank shot 76 in the head last night my acc was 80% haha, how do bullets miss when youre making them choke on your gun :joy:. Sombra can certainly hack the Mercy but she sure as heck wont consistently be finishing the Mercy with her spread unless Mercy wasnt with her team, in which case fair enough.