New Sombra in a nutshell

Stealth is so slow it is disgusting. Even her animation looks terrible now.


Perma stealth with reduced movement speed is fine because she has translocator which is arguably the best mobility skill in the game. It’s the only one in the game (with the removal of Syms tp ult) that can now move you from one end of the map to the other instantly. And it’s on a four second cooldown.

You also don’t have to tiptoe around the point which could alert the enemy of your presence since she can’t contest while invisible.

While her translocator being destroyable is gross, I’m sure you’ve realized there’s many sneaky places to put it that would never have it found (bushes, rooftops, clutter around maps) and it’s permanent now.

She can be wherever she wants when she wants to now and doesn’t have to set up a temporary shop at a healthpack behind the enemy, and if she does, the enemy team doesn’t have to be aware of it at all anymore. You don’t have to translocate past them at all anymore because you’d normally use that to counteract the time limit on her invisibility, but it was at the cost of alerting the enemy that you were at least behind them.

are you joking? I really hoop so


Which buffs? Only “buff” Sombra got is bugfix allowing to hack during reload. Everything else were compensated with nerfs.

Go back further to when they shortened the hack time, thats when this all started. It was an attempt to buff her, months later and what was a good intention has ended up turning out bad.

Also I see a new thread claiming that the pros are now mocking her. That pretty much cements her as being in a bad place in my mind. The developers are going to have to pull out something amazing to turn her around.

Huh? She has decreased mobility.


It turned out bad because they rushed nerfs to live servers based on knee jerk reactions.

Unless you only use stealth for less than 8 seconds.
But you should use stealth as much as possible, since it’s her strongest abillity.
From spawn, for flanking, for defending, for setting up, spawn camping, scouting, etc.
Using stealth is important.
And it is overall faster.

The translocator and stealth changes also allow you to use translocator more for mobility.

It’s 15% slower
 come on, she’s still 150% faster than normal, maybe you think it’s slow and looks bad, but its really not that much slower

Its 25% slower. At least get the number right.

At least learn to do basic math

+175 changed to +150 is 150/175=.857
 its a 15% difference. Please go back to school.

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Developer Comments These changes allow Sombra to more easily play as an infiltrator and scout for her team, as well as give her time to pick and choose when to reveal herself to ambush her enemies.
Now lasts indefinitely
No longer can contest objectives while invisible
Movement speed buff decreased from +70% to +50%
Now lasts indefinitely
Can now be destroyed (has 5 health)
Radius reduced

You suck at math. You calculate of her base speed, not her boosted one.

No, the speed difference in stealth is based off the net effect. Sorry, you are just wrong on this one. Ask your math teacher. She is +150% movement, down from +175, a net loss of 15%. That is basic math.

Not sure if trolling or just stupid.

 are you serious? You really don’t understand that her nerf is a 15% net change in stealth movement? Did you go to school and study these things called percentages and fractions? it is a difference of the multiplier +175 to +150; this is actually a 33% change in the multiplier
 the difference in speed as a result is .857~ or 85% of her boosted speed now. What part of this can’t you grasp?

Of her boosted speed, but you dont take the boosted speed as a basis but her base speed. lmao

There’s no reasoning with stupidity
 the net effect of the change is 15%

Sure mate. I am the stupid one here.

Until you can show me the math you are the stupid one