NEW SHORT STORY: Pharah is Lesbian & Baptiste is Bisexual

It would be weird if they actually stopped announcing peoples sexuality in this game.

I mean we were told at the very beginning, at the debut cutscene, that OW was made up of people who would fall outside the 95%. Whether for their intelligence or skill or outlook, Overwatch is made up of those who don’t think and act like everyone else.


can’t wait for people who claim to not care about sexuality to be irrationally offended by this


I think its more weird in a world where humans and omnics live somewhat in equal cohabitation, that the only non-straight characters we have only feel basic human->human affection.

Youd think in a world where both exist there would be some human->omnic relation happening somewhere. 0 reflection of that in the roster despite omnics accounting for a huge portion of the global population

Doesnt matter cause pharah was lesbian waay before in the r34 scene taps head


That’s cool. I mean didn’t we all assume that Pharah is gay and Bap is bi anyway? Hardly a shocker.

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Cool i guess. I suppose next time when there’s another Blizzard controversy, another character will come out. After all this has happened multiple times by now.

I think there was a hint of this in the recall animated short. we saw what was presumably an omnic-human couple

the voicelines that were added with LW pretty much spoiled that already.

but pharah is a surprise because everything surrounding her was just…enthusiastic fan fic.


Wow after years of shipping Pharmercy what a shocker…

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dam i hate reading. wish it was all pictures… MAYBE ill read it later

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diversity has always been a big part of overwatch. this shouldn’t be anything of a shock to you.

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Yeah but nothing in the game. No character we have has appeared to show any romantic feelings toward omnics. Which is weird considering how many omnics exist on the planet

Its just basic human lgbt drama.

Probably because if they made a character come out as having feelings for an omnic that wouldnt generate headlines for blizzard. They cant tick that off their sheet as it isnt something people will clap at as being representative

maybe this weird rise in AI software will become a catalyst for that kind of thing

as a gay man ive told plenty of women “im gay”. its a very quick and easy way too shutdown any sort of flirting from people that you have no attraction too.


I don’t think it should be a surprise for them to feed shippers lol

I don’t think they know what diversity and inclusion is.

Diversity and inclusion is when you don’t need to talk about diversity and inclusion anymore. A story wouldn’t say hero X is gay etc, it would just hook them up with a guy like it’s part of the story.

This is a baseball to the face approach.

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I don’t want to throw gas on the issue, but wow, they really did the thing where they confirmed characters were gay after some sort of controversy they were in. It’s like, surreal to me since I always thought that sort of thing was coincidental.

With blizzard, you get a controversy and then characters are confirmed gay in some way. Are they doing this on purpose? Like an attempt to lessen the blow of the controversy or build good will after planning to screw up?


yea pharah is just gonna have some “npc” significant other. oh well

since if it was mercy, she would have been shown on that picture of heroes who are lbgqt


inb4 ntr