New rank system is bad

I am in plat 3 and my friend is is gold 2 and it don’t matter what role we play it will be wide match. We are in queue for 20-30mins and the match takes 3mins. And in the enemy team there are a couple of players in masters rank when our team will be in gold-diamond. Bring back the old ranked matchmaking pls.

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Nope. Ranked integrity depends in no small part on making balanced lobbies and the reality is you can’t have a competitive game where you mix a bunch of ranks together for the sake of just finding a quick game. For quick games where you wish to have some fun with people from any rank there is QUICKPLAY, an Unranked mode designed for exactly that and more. The devs need to explain that better and remove the absurd penalties for people looking for a few quick games that happen to leave a game or two here and there. Leaver penalties should however punish players who win trade or dodge lobbies in competitive play.

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